25 November 2010

Be a Fool

Last week, we went to Ate Solvie’s condo to celebrate Anne becoming a full-fledged teacher after passing LET. Congratulations Teacher Anne! Aside from watching Akihiro being victimized after Ervic double-crossed him on Survivor: Philippines, having pizza and pasta (and using my pizzanatic card), we asked Kuya Chris if he could tell us of our fortune to which he graciously replied.

Miss Len went in first. We thought she’d only need around a quarter of an hour but it lasted around an hour and a half. Of course, she got the usual banter from us! Since Ate Abby already went home and Aylin already had her chance the last time they visited condo, I was the lucky person next in line and followed Miss Len. Of course, I won’t reveal much about it since I have this idea that it’ll probably jinx all the positivity I got from the reading. Let’s just say though that the session lasted over an hour given how excited I was having experienced tarot card reading.

I’ll probably just share what the cards told me when I could not stop clarifying how I’d be able to continue with my streak of happiness. After being dissatisfied with the answers I got and picking five or six cards in the process, the next one that I got was the card…


I chuckled a bit thinking how the cards might have thought me as idiotic, asking more questions when I could’ve and should’ve just stopped. Kuya Chris asked me first what I thought it meant. I thought that the cards told me either of these:

1. I’m a fool for believing that this happiness will continue.
2. I’m a fool because I believe that I’m happy.
3. I’m a fool because I ask too many irrelevant questions.
4. I’m a fool. Period.

Most of you will probably agree with my fourth presumption. Heh! Just continue and see if you’re correct.

I was about to surrender to the fact that the cards have probably gone tired of my questions but Kuya Chris clarified that the fool isn’t as foolish as it seems. In the tarot world, it speaks of a beginning, of a clean slate. Somewhat a tabula rasa for those familiar with the term.

Having been recently ushered into this so-called adult world, I have been more prone to see the world as polluted and corrupted. As such, it has been difficult for me to trust and appreciate the people and things surrounding me.

Channeling innocence as when I was a child would help me in this struggle of viewing the world as a happier place. Trusting then seemed easier since people always seemed genuine and caring. The world seemed a big playground where children are left in their elders’ hands to enjoy and play. The world was a much happier place.

It may seem immature at first but having the innocence of a child sometimes helps us deal with life’s challenges a little better. Treat it as a fresh start. A process similar to rebirth. Something that would make you believe in the goodness of individuals and see the good in everyone.

Thus, I’d like to bring back this innocence I had when I was young and hopefully influence how I view the world and help me have an easier time trusting other people. Hopefully, you’d channel your inner child as well and experience your rebirthed self.Time to bring back the childhood, friends!

Bottomline: Be a Fool.

p.s. An exciting discovery also happened in the condo! I’ll reveal it to you guys, soon!

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