21 November 2010

Light years away from Nanowrimo glory

One of my ultimate dreams is to write a novel. Thus, when I heard about nanowrimo last year, I was very excited to join and fulfill this dream of mine. However, two nanowrimos in and I could proudly say that I have miserably failed. Last year, I couldn’t even muster a thousand words and this year, I have been stuck at almost three thousand words. Probably already the final haul of words for this year’s edition.

Despite already imagining exciting plots, I found myself crushing my own nanowrimo dreams because of three reasons. One, work. Enough said. Two, good old pal tamaditis. Again, enough said. And three, my ineptitude in writing specific, vivid, tangible details to birth my novel to life. Hence, a milky way to traverse before I win Nanowrimo.

If you have been following this blog, you would have probably noticed my affinity for using abstract words. I think I’m better at getting my messages across if they remain as conceptual and intangible as possible. A manifestation of my being able to learn better through abstract reasoning. Thus explains my ineptness with the tangible.

Aside from being more aware that I probably need a lot of practice and a million more concrete words to write a decent novel, it also reminded me how everyone has his/her own array of talents. You may not write or dance or sing well but you should not feel bad about it. You are good at something. You just have to discover it for yourself.

The talented ones will probably have an easier time mastering their own craft but it should not discourage those who possess the love for such activity. Excellence still needs practice. We cannot rely on pure talent to become masters of our talent. We still need to commit and persevere in order that we become the best at something.

Such experience also reveals why envy has no room in our lives. We shouldn’t be envious of others’ achievements because they deserve it for working hard. Instead of moping and griping, why don’t we work hard on our own talents to become achievers as well?

Everyone has the capacity to achieve in his/her own right. We just have to refrain from comparing ourselves with others and believe that we could achieve something.


  1. emgeee, nanowrimo dreams dashed this year as well. i wasn't as free this year as i was last year. grabe, i didn't even cross 5k words. hirap.

    "Everyone has the capacity to achieve in his/her own right." I think this is a great point to highlight. Everyone has a unique set of skills and abilities, just as unique as the dreams and aspirations that seize them. It is in the enactment of those skills that one is able to reach their own dreams.

  2. Well, there's always next year for nanowrimo! Haha hopefully mas kaya ko nang magsulat ng novel at that time!
