28 November 2010

Hands Clean

While listening to Alanis Morisette air her displeasure with a guy having his hands clean of the mess he made years before in her song Hands Clean, the vision of Leonardo diCaprio obsessively and compulsively cleaning his hands in the movie Aviator came to mind. How OC was it? Think of him soaping, rubbing, cleaning and washing his hands a multitude of times to the point where his hands were so clean it literally hurt. Squeaky clean was more like excruciating clean.

We often cleanse ourselves of past mistakes, heartbreaks and failures by choosing to forget them. We wash our hands and purge them from our memories and our hearts and wash hoping that forgetting would translate to the fact that they never really happened in the first place. Similar to Leonardo’s scene mentioned above, we sometimes even go the distance and experience pain just to make ourselves believe that they have ceased to exist.

You may wash your hands obsessively and compulsively over and over again but the stain will always remain. Forgetting does not erase the past’s occurrence. You may choose to forget, lie about or even just alter the past but the fact that it happened will always remain.

Thus, change is not the only constant thing in life but truth as well. For the truth, no matter how much we try to hide and change it, will always remain and will prevail in its right time.

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