04 November 2010

Blast from the Past: I'm a believer.

Since I'm really busy with the weekend camp coming, I decided to use one of my get out of jail free cards. Here's a blast from the not-so-distant past entry by Tan circa 2005. You may read through the whole thing but it's just freshman Tan blabbering about his first few days in college. Anyway, enjoy everyone!

Well, one boring college day. Haha. Crammed for my english outline homework which my supercalifragalisticexpialidocious english teacher forget to even mention it. Grarg. All that thirty minutes of cramming gone to waste. Shucks. If only i knew that it wouldn't be checked, then i would've done something more productive like chitchat. Haha. The reason why i am still awake is that i don't have a reason to wake up so early tomorrow. My class, take note, class starts at 12 and ends at 130. After that, hallelujah! I am done. Haha. I just love tuesdays. I can scout my org for my freshman year. I have some orgs in mind but i really don't know which combination would yield the best result. Haha. Help me naman oh.

Combinatorics (thanks to the second to the last sentence above) . Wala lang. I miss math. But i'm better off without it except for the fact that i'll be having calculus this summer. So i need a good soul to help me remember all the things i learned in fourth year. Oh God, help me!

I think i've been repeating the thoughts i've used in the past. I mean i'm just writing entries which have the same thought as some entry before. I don't know if it's something bad because it means that my creative juices are badly drying out and i need to supply it with new ideas. Or it could mean something good because it's saying that my concerns are of always the same and i've never changed sides. I mean honestly i'm also sometimes sick and tired of saying things over and over again but reinstating it with something brand new to tell just keeps me going. It's a good thing. I hope.

There is this technique in composition writing on emphasizing something. Repetition of words. I mean when you repeat such a word as Borobodur (Indonesian temple, i think) over and over again, the reader would easily remember it because the abundance of this word just makes it easier to memorize.

Well, life has its own technique also of making you believe that that something which keeps on repeating in your life has meaning. I mean when you meet someone n times over short span of time and suddenly sweet music starts to play in the background, then the technique worked.

Life is such a crazy writer that it keeps on repeating and repeating some details and it's up to us to decipher the meaning. But it'll keep on repeating until you finally find what it wants to say and life will grant you with that someone or something you really need.

Life, i need more proof that i need that thing you've always repeated in my life is the most essential thing i'll ever need.

Oh, wait. Now i am a believer.

1 comment:

  1. What do you mean? I mean what are you trying to say? I mean whatevurrrrrrr
