28 April 2011

Kaya Itigil mo na ang iyong Pagmamaganda.

A recent conversation about an issue that’s supposedly bothering me has left my friend irritated. The reason? I told her that there isn’t any issue and I’m just piecing up an illusory puzzle whose pieces don’t even actually fit. In short, nagmamaganda lang.

We all have issues with ourselves and with other people. However, the reality is, some if not most of the issues we have are non-issues in the first place. 

We only created them in our own mind for a variety of reasons. Maybe envy, our desire to be seen/heard more, a manifestation of our ego, or fear of not having any issue to think about. Whatever it is, we birth issues which shouldn’t have been issues to begin with.

Thus, we often find ourselves either spread too thinly among our issues or heavily immersed in an illusory issue. Both of which lead not to the resolution of the real issues we face but to the generation of even more issues in our lives. We cannot solve issues if we cannot commit to solving them. All the more, we cannot solve issues if they shouldn’t be issues in the first place. Thus, we say hello to more issues.

Today’s the day when we list down all the issues we have. Isolate the real ones and throw away those we’ve only made up. Once we’ve identified the only issues we really have, then everything wouldn’t be so demanding or hard to deal with as how we probably perceive the non-issue issues we currently have.

The world is already beautiful. You are already beautiful even without the issues you create. Please, maganda ka na kaya itigil mo na ang iyong pagmamaganda.

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