24 April 2011

I will be my own savior.

I absolutely love Adele. Her beyond soulful music soothes and empowers me at the same time if ever that’s possible. I’ve actually been aching to write entries about her and her songs for so long but just couldn’t find the right time. So look out for more entries based on her songs which serve as a symbol of my eternal Adele adoration.

If you watched the latest Glee episode, you’ve probably heard Turning Tables, the one Gwyneth Paltrow sang for intermission. Though Gwyneth did a decent job, I’d still like you to listen to the original by Adele. In my opinion, the song’s silent aches and breakthroughs are amplified to a level which breaks yet also frees the weary heart.

One of the lines I remember the most is I’ll be my own savior, standing on my own two feet which could be found in the song’s bridge. I found it quite appropriate for Easter today when the Lord fulfills His promise of being our savior.

More than Christ saving us, we should also see ourselves as having the capacity to become our own saviors. Certainly, I’m not invoking the thought that we don’t need Christ in our lives anymore. No. All, I’m saying is that we cannot expect help from others, ultimately being saved by Him, if we do not help ourselves first. We cannot just rely on others to alleviate us of our problems. How could you expect your life to get better if you don’t help yourself achieve it in the first place? If we want our lives to change for the better, it should begin within us. Not from God, not from others.

Be your own savior! Stand up on your own two feet first and instigate change in your life. If you want tables turned, then be the first one to make the move. Eventually, Christ and others will lend you the hand you’ll need to ensure that you’ll always stand on your own two feet.


  1. Adele = <3

    I love how there's so much emotion in her music, and her lyrics are just a big bonus!

  2. i want to watch her concert!! if she doesn't come to the philippines, i'll go to london! LOL.
