25 April 2011

The Thirst for Love

Happy birthday Brian Chanyungco! Thank you for the many years of friendship! I wouldn’t have lasted through BMH without you. Stay awesome and model-thin!

Speaking of Aragorn err Brian, I reblogged a tumblr photo from him which contained the following:

“Unless it’s mad, passionate, extraordinary love, it is a waste of time. There are too many mediocre things in life. Love shouldn’t be one of them.”

There may have been times when our thirst for love seems too unquenchable not to mandatorily satisfy through ordinary and corrupt human love. Despite the intake of our supposed love tonic, we still have found ourselves parched and thirsting for a kind of love which the tonic promised but didn’t satiate. So the vicious cycle continues and drains the life out of us, leaving us dehydrated and void of the love we simply wanted to satisfy our thirst. And so, we continue looking for the seemingly elusive elixir. Only to find it once we’ve stopped settling for the temporary tonics we’ve found along the way. Thus, unless it seems like the elixir, then don’t drink it.

Life’s too short to love those who aren’t worth our time and effort. It shan’t be wasted on tomfoolery and temporariness with it being so special and elusive.

Fall madly and passionately in love and let it be always extraordinary.

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