09 April 2011

The Black Spot and the Snake Bite

We see what we want to see.

The blackest black spot wouldn’t even be black if we see it as whitest white. Heck, even seeing it as just plain white or any other hue. Though the truth may reveal itself as a simple black spot, our own thoughts and feelings color it however we’d want to see the spot. Hopefully, we get to call black as black.

We don’t see what we don’t want to see.

And the sadder thing is, sometimes, even though the blackest black spot comes with sparkling neon lights, loud music and whatever aids for one to see it just the way it’s supposed to be, we still perceive it the way we’d want to see it. In spite of every glaring sign that we should see things in a different light.

At such point, you’d probably have been told Kung ahas lang iyan, natuklaw ka na. (If it was a snake, you would have been already bitten.) And if we let our perceptions rule us, then surely we’re really bound to suffer the bite. Only when the venom seeps and spreads would we realize that we should have seen black as black all along.

Thus, hopefully, we see things as they should be seen or else, we’ll suffer the snake bite that has figuratively wounded millions.

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