23 April 2011

This is just a mundane and ordinary entry about my Lent.

One can say that I haven’t been as religious as I’ve been this Lent as with the past years. Aside from joining the procession yesterday, I’ve primarily used my break to rest, relax and catch up on Mula sa Puso. But of course, I’ve still used parts of this break to reflect.

Despite the short time, I have actually come up with a personal challenge that you might want to try out as well!

Finding God in everything and everyone everyday.

It’s actually a result of being annoyed with the fact that majority of reflections I’ve heard focus on significant experiences that changed their lives and the reality that I probably only see God in significant events in my life. I’d just like to clarify that I have nothing wrong against these people. Matter of fact, I invite them to take on a similar challenge in their lives.

I believe that God dwells in everything. Yes, even in the most mundane and ordinary of things. He’s there when we eat breakfast, brush our teeth, commute, work, text, sleep, pay our bills, argue with a colleague, do homework, chat with our crush, laugh with our friends etc. He is alive in everything everyday.

We just need to see Him more clearly in the faces of the people we nonchalantly pass by when we commute. Listen to Him more intently as we listen to the chit-chat of the commuters we ride with. Feel His presence more fervently as we silently dance in the rain. And love Him more dearly not only through the people we love but those who we hate and even feel indifferent too.

Thus, when the ho-hum of the Monday after Easter finally surrounds us, let us not disenchant ourselves that the Lord has come and gone with Lent and Easter and will only show up during troublesome or joyous times. Otherwise, let us treat this Monday as the beginning of the year where we feel His presence even in the most ordinary of times and experiences.

How has God revealed Himself then while reading this entry? :)

Happy Easter everyone!

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