30 April 2011

I hope you catch this disease.

A simple chat today with Ate Alma, one of the Loyola Schools’ humble icons, Ate Alma, our ever-charming, bubbly and loving photocopy lady near Sec B Foyer, reminded me of an often overlooked yet simple trick to remain happy.

Catch the happiness contagion.

In other words, be happy by surrounding yourself with people who will constantly and continuously make you happy. There isn’t time to surround yourself with people who constantly depress you or bring you down. If people leave you bothered or depressed, leave them and remain with the people who bring you joy and glee.

Of course, I’m not inciting for us to all suddenly burst into reckless abandonment of our relationships in pursuit of happiness and thoughtlessly cut ourselves from these which might lead to bigger problems and haunt us in the end. All I’m saying is that we reduce useless drama in our life and always live in its brighter side. As I’ve said before, life is too short to be miserable. And as Ate Alma added today, we receive blessings easier if we are happy.

One last question though. Isn’t contagion a synonym for infection? Is happiness a disease? Yes, the only one we aim to have at the end of our lives. Thus, if happiness is a disease that kills, then let me die each day so that I may live happily.

It’s time to infect yourself with happiness! Happy people unite!

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