27 January 2010

self-induced awful bitter aftertaste

It's just almost 8am in the morning and I'm gearing up for work today. It's supposedly a hectic day but I find myself writing an entry at such an odd time. Well, maybe it's because I'm using this to prep myself up for the long day ahead. Don't you worry, this shall be quick, easy and painless. Haha.

Since my stash of yummy yogurt was already depleted, I went to the supermarket last night to buy some. Being the conservative yogurt person that I am, I instantly went for my two most favorite Nestle Fruit Selection flavors, Mixed Berry Medley and Buko Nata. But then, I spotted their creamy yogurt and got curious as to how it would taste. I've read in a website that yogurt without fruits is healthier in terms of sugar and fat content. And so I bought one to try the original one.

Like a toddler eager to unwrap his present, I instantly opened the yogurt the moment I got home. Lo and behold, it was too sour for my taste. And being creamy didn't even help a bit as I loathe the texture of the yogurt. I tried to save it by mixing some chocolate with it but the trick did not work. Thus, I only finished half of the cup. The worse thing though is that the taste of the yogurt lingered. I tried to drown the taste with chips, chocolate and milk but all didn't work. I actually wanted to vomit at some point because the taste was just too mcuh for me. Thankfully, I had the power to control myself. Till the time I went to sleep, I could still the putrid yogurt taste. Blech. Good thing when I woke up today, it was all gone.

Actually I only have myself to blame last night. Not because of buying yogurt but because of making the taste linger. I could alibi that it's savoring the taste but it's not. It's just really me making the putrid taste a little too long.

And of course, it got me thinking. It might be reflective of how I deal with melancholic experiences. I let them linger. Most of the time, a bit too much for my own good. Thus, no matter how much I drown them with chocolates and chips and all happy things, they all still leave an awful bitter aftertaste. Something I only have myself to blame.

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