19 January 2010

not tolerance but respect

It's been almost two weeks since my last entry. Well, despite getting to work at 730am in the morning, I still almost always go home late. Well, it isn't actually by choice but it's just because most of the meetings with the volunteers usually occur in the later hours of the afternoon when they're freer. Oh well, probably step two would be to discourage them from meeting with me during the afternoon. Haha.

Today is my first actual offset for this year. And I've done a lot of things today (some work-related but negligible haha) and most of them are stuff I've wanted to do for so long. Well, sleep without worrying about waking up at 6am would be the first one. I finally downloaded the 11th episode of CSI:NY, went bowling with my cousin Pierre and got a haircut. I think I should really revive bowling as my stress release. Ansarap eh. Haha. If ever there's one hobby that's considered as a sport, bowling probably is the closest! Haha. Despite the almost one hour duration of the haircut, I love my new hair. Ngayon, mas fan na talaga ako ng short hair for myself because it's more manageable and I don't need to worry if ever I look such a hot mess. HOT MESS DAW! HAHA.

Past two days, there's been a lot of talk (and bashing?) about being gay. Well, from the last few years I've been aware and affected by such situation, I've learned that the real best thing to do ay huwag nang pumatol sa mga makikitid ang utak. I mean come on. Well I cannot speak for the whole gay community in the country pero ako for myself, I just want people to respect. I don't want to ask for tolerance 'cause it seems like I'm doing or being something offensive when I'm not. And before you try to opine, please please think about how people would feel. Yes, everyone's entitled to their own opinion but that doesn't mean you cannot be sensitive about things.

Andami ko pa actually gustong sabihin about this issue but I'd rather save it for another blog entry for I might not give justice to my case. Basta ang masasabi ko nalang, mula sa homily ng pari kanina, hindi makitid ang pananaw at pagmamahal ng Diyos. At hindi siya nanghuhusga lalo na sa mga tulad kong may "disorder" daw.

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