03 January 2010

On 2010 Resolutions

It's 1am in the morning of the last Sunday of my two week vacation and I'm still up. Aside from going home late 'cause I went out with Brian, Sam, Cookie and Macky aka AplPeaches, it's probably because of my fear of waking up an hour or two too late than the time I set myself to wake up. I tried to wake myself up with the alarm at 830am today and guess what time I woke up, 1130am. Good effing job, Tan. Anyway, I'm semi-tired right now and I'll just probably fall asleep later and wake up even later than what I wanted and still screw up my body clock. Oh well, good luck to me on my first day of work back.

I still don't want to go back to work. I wish I still had like a month left of vacation. Haha. So much for getting used to the bum life.

Anyway, staying true to the new year's habit of creating resolutions, I've come up with my own list. Of course, I won't share all of them so I that I won't jinx them to oblivion. I'll keep them first to myself and just share it with you, my dear readers, if there are any, when the right time comes aka when it has already been achieved. Rest assured though that most of it revolve around making my life more organized and having a greater sense of direction for myself. Heck, it could probably be summarized in attempting to have a more organized life. Hopefully 2010 resolutions would really be a success meaning a Tan that has become more professional. Naks. Haha.

These past two days have really been tough already. And I'm sure it'll continue for the rest of the year especially during these couple of early months. How come bad habits are hard to break yet good habits are difficult to form? Haha Oh well life. However, I've already started well with one of my resolutions. I think it's one that I'll really be keeping myself faithful to over the duration of the whole year. From it, I'm gaining a greater sense of calmness which I severely missed last year. And it really motivates me to religiously do it every night of my life. I'm doing it even right after I'm done with this blog entry.

I know keeping resolutions seem a daunting task but I know it'll heftily pay off in the end. I know I can keep one just like how I've stuck with my nightly habit of drinking milk. Yumminess.

When I go back to this entry in 2011, I promise that I've achieved what I wanted to achieve then.

But first, I gotta fix my body clock already for tomorrow. Haha. Toodles!

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