25 January 2010

adjusted weekend pros and cons

I'm supposed to be on offset tomorrow but still most of my day will be devoted to work-related matters. GAH. Work this coming week has piled up. Worse, most of those cannot really be postponed. Well, I just really need to focus this coming week so that I'll be able to handle and accomplish everything.

I've just lately realized that my week has really been screwed. Haha. Ever since I've become an NSTP volunteer FOUR years ago, my Saturdays have mostly been devoted to Pathways. That's why I can seldom go out on a Friday night and mostly too tired to go out on a Saturday night. It has been a routine I've become much adjusted to. Good thing though that now that I'm already a staff, I can offset my Mondays so that I'll still have two days of rest. Haha. Yay for a month's worth of offset hours!

But starting this week, I'd really have a day off for myself since it'll really help me. Despite the fact that my work week shall be crunched to four days (the fifth one is more of operations already) it's going to give me the rest I need to face the workload ahead. Meaning I need to train myself to focus when I need to focus. Haha.

Though I still have to practice drowning out every inch of work during my relax time since it does stress me. Instead of enjoying my break, I get panicky and worried over stuff I need to do. And sometimes, it makes me regret having this time for myself.

But I shouldn't because I deserve time for myself. It's okay to be selfish during times you should prioritize your own well-being, right?

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