04 January 2010

a hosting stint

It's been quite a long day, waking up much earlier than usual and pursuing supposed changes in my work style. I also got to incorporate some of the changes I wanted for myself when it comes to my day such as working early before everyone comes in and squeezing in an hour of mass during the day. I just really hope everything holds up given my record with such habits. haha.

But I know I'll succeed, I bought a new planner to help me with that. Haha. I actually had a difficult time choosing the right one for me but I chose something which both had what I wanted and probably needed: Big space for listing yet a compact planner. Hopefully it'll all be written over once 2011 comes. Hopefully.

Happy birthday Karen Magtubo! I know you were really happy back there in Mcdonald's. Haha. Kahit nga sila na lang eh at hindi na kami, alam kong buo na birthday mo may sobra pa for next year. Haha.

Happy birthday to my lola as well! She's diamond now you know! Seventy-five years old. Hopefully seventy-five more! Huwat. No only up till a 100 :p We had a little party for her and I thought that I'd just sit in a corner and be my introverted self not mingling with the guests especially that it was my lola's amigas. But lo and behold, they waited for me to host her short program. Impromptu. Haha. In fairness, I realized I might really be working on my hosting skills now. Haha. Improving much. Pwede na siguro akong magkacareer in hosting. A step closer to my dream of hosting a travel show!

Well, my hosting stints might mean I'm finally breaking out of my shell and becoming more people-oriented. Of course, I'm still introverted but right now, it seems that I'm really on my way to becoming a more people person than I was before. Thus, my goal of being a sunshine to people is well within reach!!! Hmmm...probably not well yet but within reach! Haha.

So if you need someone to host your party (preferably children's ones where guests can easily be fooled haha) you can contact me if you're willing to try an amateur testing the hostile hosting waters. (Not really hostile but the alliteration was just too satisfying to miss out)

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