03 January 2010

frozen yogurt is like!

Today is the last day of vacation. Yay. So fun. Haha. Anyway, I spent the day with my family at SM Marikina where we had lunch and walked around the mall for quite some time afterwards. Actually, I was supposed to stay in Starbucks to finish some unfinished work over the vacation. However, there were a lot of people inside and even if I stayed to wait, I know I won't be able to concentrate on my task there. So I ended up just going around the mall wandering aimlessly. Haha. That sounded a lot miserable than what really happened.

I actually tried to look for a planner to organize my life and inspirational books to keep my moving this 2010. However, I ended up empty-handed because I couldn't find the perfect planner for me and the inspirational books I was looking for. It seemed a fruitless walk actually 'til I went up the second floor and got enticed by a new store.

Frozen Yogurt!

Yumminess galore. I've only come to like frozen yogurt recently especially that I haven't really liked the taste of yogurt before. I remember how my JTA mates would go gaga over buying yogurt at Carrefour and I'd end up just buying pudding. Well, actually, I only got interested to try it when my friends expressed how much they enjoyed eating the dessert. So I tried it last December and have loved it ever since. I remember adjusting to the somewhat sour taste and how it was a struggle at the beginning. But gradually, I got used to it and have loved it ever since.

Being true to my supposed healthier lifestyle, I only order fruit toppings with it. So I got one with blueberry today. Actually, having fruit with it made me adjust easier to the taste. Without the sweetness, which is important for a sweet tooth like me, I won't probably be as adjusted as I am now.

Actually, it made me think how I can adjust to things I don't really like. Being the stubborn person that I am, when I don't like something, one would need to move heaven and earth to let me like it. Just like how I am to most vegetables in this world. haha. But if I try it gradually and try it with something I like, then I'd probably get to like it eventually. So that's probably something I have to keep in mind as surely I'm bound to encounter a lot of things I don't like I need to like.

But I'm surely gonna eat some frozen yogurt to help me cope with those in the future :p

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