26 July 2011

Too Much Hurts (Turnback Tuesdays)

Here's an entry written back in February 2007 which reveals how I would responsibly cram back then. Kidding! Anyway, if you think this might be one of those emo entries I wrote then you're wrong. Read on and discover why too much might hurt. Toodles!

Dilly-dallying through my weekend has left me with my usual picture, so little time for so many requirements. In short, it's cramming time! Haay why can't I make myself work harder for school so that I won't get the short end of the stick now. I mean I've ranted on and on about not doing as good as I've wanted in school but then it's actually all my fault why I haven't improved. Ugh My study habits really have to change. Well, come to think of it, it's not that I did not try, it's just that I can't get the right solution to my Accounting homework that I eat up too much time and effort that should've been devoted for other homework. But I really hate this feeling of not accomplishing anything during the weekend. I hope I could really make up tonight.

This and an event which has impacted my whole day has got me thinking about having too much. I mean it's really better to have too little of something rather than have it too much. Of course, having it moderately should be better but too little teaches you things which are more valuable in life. Yes, the temptation of having too much seems better. You have an amount of that thing which is far greater than what you really need. Therefore, most of the time, you tend to be complacent about it until some major problem arises from it. Most of the time, you cannot really solve this new problem now 'cause you've been so used to having a light time with having too much that you've forgotten about the complexities and hardships of living with that thing.

Having too little actually teaches us to be thrift and to allocate the meager resource we have for the time period it's supposed to cover. Since you have a little of that thing, you're forced to meet ends even though you have a little. It teaches you to sacrifice and creativity in dealing with difficult situations which would always be helpful once resources seem too little once again. And the good thing is, once you've got more of that thing, you're more secured of not bungling all those that you have 'cause you've instilled in yourself valuable attitudes which would aid you in the long run.

Wanting too much really seems skewed for me right now 'cause you really don't need that much. And sometimes, more complications come with having too much. Therefore, we should be satisfied with what we have today unless we deem we need a little more of that something.

Too much hurts. Too little teaches. Keep it moderate.

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