24 July 2011

Have you had a Horcrux?

A must-read!
Central to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, the seventh and final installment of the Harry Potter series, is the hunt to destroy the remaining Horcrux of Lord Voldemort. If you’re not familiar with the books or the movie, a dark wizard creates a Horcrux to contain a fragment of a their soul in the hopes of gaining access to resurrection and immortality. (Source: Harry Potter Wiki)

Actually, some of us mere muggles (wizards’ term for non-wizards) have also attempted to create our own Horcrux. 

Some muggles have often correlated the inanimate with living. They create their Horcrux by associating the success of their lives with the acquisition of the certain objects. Unfortunately, often at the ironic expense of not living a life worth living. Some students become obsessed achieving the highest of grades to lose friendships and gain but a two to three word-label and a medal or a piece of paper. Some employees and entrepreneurs only have their eyes on gaining the latest gadgets or other items of luxury only to become blind on matters far more essential.

Before you get me wrong, I’m not against achievement. I do laud people who achieve. I’d just like to nudge them a bit and remind them that living is far more than the inanimate objects we so associate with the success of our lives. If in acquiring them, we burn bridges and deride the essential, then have we really lived at all?

Thus, it’s probably time for us to reflect if we have created our own Horcrux. Hopefully, the moment we realize the Horcruxes in our lives, we dissociate living from them and regain a true sense of what living should be. We are more than the pieces of paper and metal we receive and the gadgets we purchase. Living is not living at all if it’s ironically merely hinged on the inanimate and not on the essential.

Now get your basilisk venom-laden weapons and destroy your own Horcrux.

This was written in gratitude for the boy who inspired our generation to fight for truth and love at a time when it seems hopeless.

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