02 October 2010

So what's the point?

After a week of hiatus, I’m back, dear reader. I was on the verge of having sore eyes last Monday and needed some time to rest for the remainder of the week. I’m still quite sick though with cough and colds but I’m better and I could blink painlessly right now.

The ADMU Blue Eagles are three-peat basketball champions! Woot! I planned to watch but the eye infection got in the way so I just stayed in the office, watched and cheered crazily with Ate Donna and Steph. Jumping and cheering definitely looks a lot less bonkers when you’re in a crowd in Araneta than being in an office’s pantry. But the heck did we care, we won!

Because I still wanted to be a part of the festivities somehow given that I’ve been in Araneta both times Ateneo won the past two years, I decided to go to the thanksgiving mass at the Gesu. The perks of working inside the campus. Haha. Even though I did not spot any friend I can spend the mass with, I still stayed to join the community thank God for the blessings He has showered the Ateneo teams this past year.

And thank God I did. I even remember telling myself how grateful I am just to have a God to believe in at some point in the mass. It was quite overwhelming to take in the fact that somewhere, somehow, a greater someone makes sense of everything that we go through in our lives.

It might not make sense at this moment how I got that out of the mass but that’s exactly my point. Sometimes, what we realize from our experiences don’t necessarily follow what we have experienced. Or they don’t have any connection at all! We just have to be grateful of the experience and harness what we have learned since it worked out exactly how a greater being planned it to elicit such realization. That somehow things make sense no matter how unclear or senseless they currently appear to be. But of course, in the greater scheme of things, it does make sense and we’ll only get to appreciate it in God’s time. Thank God!

Even writing this entry has somehow proven what I have just said. I had no idea how this realization come up since I was only to share how blessed I felt to have a God. But I did and probably soon enough, this will all make sense to me.

1 comment:

  1. Amen! Are you going to the Bonfire? I'm not; tutulog na lang ako. Hahaha
