24 September 2010

milk to cornflakes: better that we break

Disclaimer: Before you even think that this entry involves any romantic revelation whatsoever, I’d already quash your suspicions by instantly saying that there is none in this entry. Sorry folks, what can I do when there’s really nothing to begin with? Haha.

Recently, I’ve normally had cornflakes with milk for breakfast. You could probably say that it’s a compromise between waking up a few minutes earlier to eat heavy breakfast and waking up a few minutes later without having any breakfast at all. Well, it has frequently worked except for times when stress has set in quite early in the morning and has already left me craving for lunch time. If you’re familiar with my work, you know that it isn’t as promising as it looks. Haha.

I actually like munching on cornflakes alone. It’s become my token snack whenever I watch my favorite shows. I also drink milk almost every night before I go to bed since my mom is a fervent believer of milk’s elixir-like properties. Now, you might be wondering what in the world did I just say but I do have a point. It’s that I do actually enjoy either eating cornflakes alone or just drinking milk more than having them together. The taste of cornflakes I love when I eat it alone isn’t the same as when I have it with milk. It just doesn’t taste as great.

This random musing has reminded me that some things are really better off alone. Some things are meant to elicit happiness alone and some together. We should then know which one corresponds with which. Sometimes mixing things together doesn’t result in a synergic product. The sum isn’t always equal or greater than its parts.

In a world of packages, combos, buy 1, take 1’s and value meals, we should remember that quantity does not always dictate quality. One might say that the capitalist thought has influenced us into thinking that the combos that have been put out are always the best for us when our own taste and preference disagree. But given the emphasis on the importance of monetary considerations, we often fall to the trap of sacrificing our own preference for the sake of saving a few pesos.

It’s a definite eye-opener for me since the thrift (stingy) Tan always triumphs when it comes to purchasing stuff even though it does not always translate to an increase in happiness. Case and point: the typical fast food value meals. Instead of contributing to my goal of avoiding softdrinks altogether, my stingy self opts for the softdrink choice instead of the healthier juice alternatives just because it costs less. Thus, when the sugar or caffeine has built up, the cost of drinking sodas will definitely outweigh the costs supposedly previously saved.

And yes, my dear reader, I know you’ve been waiting for this but it can also be applied to our relationships. (This shall be the closest to what you might have previously thought.) When relationships have gone sour, it might always be best to temporarily break ties off. Sometimes, we just need time to let ourselves become better through time.

We shouldn’t pressure ourselves into making the relationship work when there’s really no chance whatsoever of happening. Just like cornflakes gone cold and soggy and milk gone grainy when left in the cold with each other, it doesn’t tingle the taste buds quite well.

We always need to let ourselves grow and be the best that we can be. And that includes spending time alone. In the end, our goal is to taste our finest selves in order to make ourselves well-made for the combos and values meals that are our relationships.

But this cornflakes-fresh milk analogy could simply mean that some people are better off single or are meant to be single. They’re just destined to be happier that way. Reading the most probable question in your mind right now, all I could say is what Nicole Scherzinger and the rest of PCD would tell, “I don’t need a man to make it happen.”

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