30 October 2010

The Ideal Real

After a long while, I watched in the cinema once again. Since I don’t want to spoil the movie, I’ll be as anonymous as possible in discussing the details of the movie I’d want to share.

One of the issues that the lead male had throughout the movie was that everything that happened to him never was part of his plans. His vision was based on the universal. Enjoy singlehood, find a partner, marry her, have children and live happily ever after. However, all of these didn’t occur to him in the sequence he expected. It became the source of his frustration which almost deprived him of the ultimate, happily ever after. Since it was the movies, he soon realized how everything still worked out and pursued the happily ever after that was meant for him all along.

Since we were young, we’ve always been intoxicated with the ideal. We grow up with our hopes and dreams pinned on images of our ideal lives. The ideal family, ideal friends, ideal partner, ideal marriage, ideal children, ideal life.

However, when events go out of hand and our ideal begins to crumble, we sulk and feel that our life isn’t worth living. It’s as if failure of our idea of an ideal life equates to failure of our real lives.

Reality check, honey, life isn’t about living the ideal. It’s about living what’s real. Of course, pursuing an ideal life does us no harm since it gives us an image of what we want to aspire for. The terrifying thing is when we forget that we’re living in our real world and not in our ideal world and refuse the life that has been granted us. Thus, we feel disappointed or worse, cheated, when something happens which is contrary to our concept of an ideal life.

We should just trust in a higher being that our life is the life we are meant to live. That each second we live was lived by how exactly we were meant to live it. No matter how painful or gleeful our life is, we belong right where we are in our lives right now. The real is the ideal for us at this point of our lives. Or at any point for that matter.

Seeing the real as the ideal deal might let us settle for whatever comes our way since we’re bound to treat even the worst as ideal. Of course, it’s a pitfall that we have to avoid. If you recall from my previous entry Strive and/or Settle, we should settle for things we deserve and not just anything that comes our way.

Think of it this way. Rather why make the real deal ideal for me, why not think make the ideal deal real for me. It’s having the guts to pursue the ideal but still having a grasp of reality. Though most of the time you would probably wonder how the heck am I living an ideal life here, trust that every action and every word of every second leads you to live that ideal life you have always dreamed of. Just like in the film, even though it did not initially make sense, he still got what he dreamed about in the end. And hopefully, when we look at our bigger picture, we would see the beauty that has been made out of our seemingly chaotic life.

Most probably this entry has left you rather confounded than enlightened. I apologize for writing such entries without giving much thought. Haha. But if ever there’s one thing you should remember, it’s this: Make every real thing ideal and live your ideal every second of your life.

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