11 October 2010

This itch to be unique

Last week, I had my final follow-up consultation in the clinic. After almost a month of having tests done and going back and forth the Cainta area, it has finally been settled that my shoulder pain is myofascial in nature. Thus, as I have previously mentioned, I need to strengthen my upper back and take pain relievers and muscle relaxants for the pain to subside.

Being almost physically normal was surely a surprise for me. I really thought that I had some serious health problem given how easily I tire and how much I crave for precious sleep. I expected and anticipated the worst only to find out that I am almost perfectly healthy save for the shoulder pain I have. I thought that I was already experiencing something abnormal when all along, I wasn’t. I thought I was already different and that I could get away with being different but I was wrong.

Sometimes, we think about how different and unique and often exaggerate them as means of separating ourselves from the rest. Or inflating our ego.

Let’s face it. Normal is boring. And normal won’t get you any attention. That’s why we have to differentiate ourselves and stand out from the rest. Oftentimes, this knack to be unique often leads us to concoct any novel or unique aspect in our lives so that we won’t look as normal or ordinary as other people. And sometimes, we go overboard and these lies eventually hurt others and ourselves.

I think what we should remember here is that we’re already very unique in our own little ways. We don’t need to exaggerate the obvious. If it’s something unique and beautiful, then it’ll just reveal itself to others on its own without us forcing it out.

Such affinity for making oneself stand out also demonstrates a lack of self-belief. It’s as if we need to compare ourselves with others in order to feel good. When in reality, those who are really good know that they don’t have to prove anything because their skills and talents speak for themselves.

I’m not saying that we should not highlight our uniqueness. We deserve to feel good about ourselves. We should just moderate it and focus on letting our own brilliance and uniqueness shine through.

Let your actions do the talking.