04 October 2010


One of my recent dreams is to gain a Ph.D. in Social Psychology abroad. However, I needed to shelve it temporarily since I need to help out with my family’s expenses first. Anyway, as preparation for that supposed dream, I have already read two psychology books on my own. While I don’t regret at all being a management major for my undergraduate, my INFJ-induced fascination in Psychology has only left me a frustrated psychologist. And thus, the nerdy feat of reading two books on my own. Take note, they are both college textbooks.

However, the most nerd bit about this is that I made an 82-page word document for my social psychology notes. If you know how much I loathe taking notes, you’d know that the document I built is certainly a feat. I mean I’ve never even attempted to labor through all of the chapters of my previous college textbooks. But, for the love and frustration that is social psychology, I did. And I’m proud of myself for doing so. Way to go, dork! Haha.

Though it is a damn textbook, the beauty of reading social psychology is that it somehow doubles as a self-help introduction to the social world. Being a collection of findings on how this species called human beings interact, I had several “that’s why I/you/s/he/they was/were like that” moments! And as one of the first few concepts in the book reveals, everything is clearer in hindsight. (By now, you’d probably say that such statement is too obvious but was it really obvious to you all along or it just became clearer with hindsight?)

Of course, you have to read through the whole book to understand some of the concepts which I’m sure you’ll enjoy reading. I personally liked the chapters on Attraction (I wonder why?) and Persuasion since the former is a giveaway and the latter is something I need to work on especially if I plan to enter the world of Marketing.

Before I go on and on about what I have learned from reading the book, I’d just tell you one of the most striking things I’ve learned from my almost three months bout with the book.

To each her/his own.

Everyone has a right to be who s/he wants to be because it’s her/his life. Nobody has any right to judge anyone just because they’re different or they made a mistake. In a world where monotony and blandness is frowned upon, who wants to be ordinary, anyway? Also, we have flaws and we commit mistakes but those are the things that make us human, right? Let the sinless wonder cast the first stone on those who have made a mistake.

Though we may not please some people because of who we are then boo-hoo to them for not seeing the beauty in you. We should always remember that we are all beautiful individuals in our own unique way.

The world would be a much duller place if we don’t reveal our truest most beautiful selves. And it’ll only be beautiful if we all live out who we really are.

If you want to be truly beautiful, express yourself but appreciate others expressing themselves as well!