29 October 2010

Who wants to get stripped?

I got the chance to talk to a friend I haven’t connected with in a long while two nights ago. She’s currently facing a dilemma about her future. She’s presently not sure what direction life is taking her. After triumphing through several challenges, she’s now unsure whether she should continue with the way she’s living her life now. This comes at a rather ironic time since all external factors contradicting her supposed preference have now mellowed. Here it’s become evident that as with other and probably more difficult points in life we have, it’s hardest when we only have ourselves to contend with.

Why is this the case? Most probably because we only have ourselves to blame for the outcome of the situation. We cannot handily pin our mistakes on external factors since we made the decision based on how we thought and felt at the moment. Of course, we can try but at the end of the day, it was a decision you made. And only your being could influence your decision at such time.

Since we only face and ask ourselves in such situations, we really dig deep into our core and explore what we really want for ourselves. Since you’re that unfamiliar with such situation, you know how difficult it is to know what you want and set yourself in a corresponding direction.

Meeting our own selves head-on sure sounds a pretty scary endeavor especially when making crucial decisions in our lives. However, we won’t be able to learn about ourselves and the direction we’d take if we don’t confront our true selves. We should actually be thankful for moments where we only have ourselves to rely on for such decisions because they serve as opportunities for us to have a glimpse and the person we’re meant to become.

Only when everything that is not us have been stripped from us and we only have ourselves do we see who we really are and who we can become.

So have you stripped to bare yourself lately?

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