01 June 2011

Only the Weak Look Back and Wonder

Eloisa and I had a twilight moment of sorts a month ago. It was 10 in the evening and we were on our way home along our usual route. When we got to Paseo de Riley, which has an eerie reputation during the nighttime, we both heard a sound which echoed like a dog howling and mocking us at the same time. Actually, we both weren’t aware that we both heard the sound. But, we instantly held on to each other, walked, no, ran faster and decided not to look back. Call it cowardice but I was never a fan of horror movies anyway. And I don’t want to imagine that I was in one at that time!

So what did I eventually tell myself to justify my actions? Only the weak look back and wonder. Quite the irony I suppose but hey, whatever works right?

We often associate courage with looking fear in the eye and facing them headstrong. However, there are certain things we fear or detest which we may easier overcome if we just move forward and never look back. It will work with issues currently seemingly irreconcilable where the only plausible resolution is to never look back and wonder. Moreover, it works best with self-initiated illusory issues where the enemy we fear the most is our own vulnerability. Wondering only leads to second guessing which only renders you vulnerable again. Thus, we cannot wander into wonder.

Never looking back and wondering may seem cowardly at first glance. However, moving forward has always been an act which takes courage and guts to pull off. Thus, if you don’t look back and wonder in the name of moving forward, then it won’t be cowardly at all.

It’s time to move forward. It’s time to be strong.

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