31 May 2011

Never Too Far (Turnback Tuesdays)

Despite the blog hiatus and the itch to post new entries, I decided to continue with Turnback Tuesdays to initiate some regularity in this blog of mine. So here is an entry I wrote back in January 2006 during my mother's birthday. Skimming through my livejournal entries, I was just really fascinated by this entry. Thus, I decided to use it for this week. The first part reveals the crammer I was in college. Enjoy as always!

How I love my PE101 class. We were dismissed early as usual. We were even dismissed even before 9am! It's like i just got an hour of PE this week even though most get two. Haha. So for those who havent' taken 101, i really suggest you get the 2hour friday one. It's so cool! Haha. So now, i'm cramming my Filipino drill paper. Haha. It's about the Gesu and what is beautiful about it. Well, i really didn't put in anything which could blow away people cause i'm in cramming mode again. I just put a few insights and that's it. Drill papaer lang naman eh. Hehe. I'm not really good at cramming. Oh well.

It's my mom's birthday! Yay! Love you, mom!

I mentioned in my crammed Filipino paper how the Gesu is a paradox. It is modern in a sense that it has a unique design but at the same time, the traditions remain intact. It's just putting the past in the future. Gets? Haha. Pero it's cool. Just another paradox of life.

So that got me thinking about life paradoxes and how bittersweet creatures we are. How life could both make you and break you at the same time. We live complex lives. It makes our stay here on earth much more exciting for we experience a melting pot of emotions. We could be happy, sad, nostalgic and a gazillion other feelings which the mood icon of this journal couldn't even express. But what's even more amazing is the fact that we could feel all of these at the same time. We could be both happy and sad at the same time. You know, happy outside, sad inside. Every second of our lives brings in a new blend of emotions which would remain rather unique to each and every second for emotions and the reasons why celebrate or bleed change. We progress through time with emotions and experience which will always be part of our lives no matter how hard we try to forget them. They will still be a part of us.

Everything that happened in the past year would just be stored and locked away in shelf i'd never visit. Well, on second thought, rarely visit. It'll be all gone but it'll still be a part of me no matter how hard i try to forget the smiles and tears of the past.

You're never too far.

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