24 June 2011

An Advice Hatched from the Jurassic Park

When I was in college, some of my blockmates used to tease me that I had messianic complex. I won’t deny nor confirm the truth of this allegation. However, I will confirm that I sometimes do have this notion that I might have been commissioned to help save the world. ☺

As a result of such outlook, it has always been a frustration of mine when somebody asks for advice, listens, agrees in principle yet discards it altogether in the end. I did my best to utter the wisest words for him/her to simply just heed but he/she just had to not follow what I told him/her in the end. The nerve right?

Recently, however, I eccentrically have comforted myself with a line from the first Jurassic Park film. (Yes, I have learned a lot from that movie aside from the trilogy being my favorite of all time!) 

While walking through the woods, Dr. Grant, Lex and Tim discover dinosaur hatchlings which was supposedly impossible when they created them. Near the end of their conversation, Dr. Grant marvels at such feat and concludes that “life found a way.”

Life finds a way. Though they may not listen to you right now, life will find a way to make them realize your advice they just ignored.

Think of your advice as bicycle training wheels. It only gives them a headstart in your quest to successfully ride the bicycle. However, they cannot really learn how to ride a bike if they don’t bike without the training wheels. Thus, as much as our advice may help, ultimately, experience will be their greatest teacher.

Thus, don’t be disheartened the next time it happens. Continue to give good advice and learn to trust that just like Jurassic Park’s raptors and bicycle rides, sometime, somewhere, somehow, life will find a way.

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