30 May 2011

Prayers for the Preyers

Wow, I have been on blog hiatus since the beginning of May. Summer months April and May are always most hectic because of work. Thus, I’m glad that all the summer programs are now over even though the paperwork and reports still need to be done. At least, I'll have a greater chance of a more regular blog entry release.

When I was young, carnivorous plants fascinated me the most among the flora and fauna. If you aren’t aware of them, these are plants which lure unsuspecting insects with their sweet nectar only to trap and devour them in the end. Look up the Venus Fly Trap or the Pitcher Plant online if you want more information about them.

Speaking of unsuspecting preys and deceitful predators, a few weeks back, this tweet came out:

The deprived and vulnerable unsuspectingly fall prey to human reincarnations of carnivorous plants. Like the Venus Fly Trap and the Pitcher Plant, the latter lure the former with sweet and affectionate gestures they have been so accustomed to produce. So accustomed to a point that it’s mere routine rather than something special. And when the former succumbs to the sweet taste of nectar, the predator sucks the life out of the poor victim. In two words, game over.

Thus, for those of you feeling deprived and vulnerable, be wary of the sincerity of others’ sweet gestures. Sometimes, they are merely customarily produced in order that the predator fulfills his/her daily needs. Despite the sweet taste of satisfaction you might get, it still ain’t worth the sting once the predator’s juices come sucking the life out of you.

Don’t fall prey to these predators! It’s time you toughen up, resist the sweetness, and let the predator become your prey.

Preys, it’s time to prey.

Predators, it’s time to pray.

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