01 May 2011

On chasing pavements even if they lead nowhere.

Since we’re due for another Adele-related entry, I’ll share a thought on one of her more popular songs, Chasing Pavements. Actually, it’s one of the reasons why I began adoring the goddess that is Adele. And the infamous line goes:

Should I give up or should I just keep chasing pavements even if it leads nowhere?

If we go by logic, the answer is crystal clear. Give up. As simple as that. Actually, the question shouldn’t have been asked in the first place.

However, as I’ve established in previous entries, we aren’t individuals solely governed by logic. As beings blessed with both logic and emotions, our actions are a balance/imbalance of the two. And such dynamic often leads us to ask questions which we shouldn’t have asked anymore because they have already been answered before.

And we do still ask them either because we still desire to live in the comforts of a blissful past or we’re still unprepared to accept the truth despite the answers that have already been provided.

Then again, we are emotional beings. We weren’t made to easily brush off pain and accept a hurtful truth and move on without our emotions getting the best of us. However, we shouldn’t use this as a constant excuse to justify our disillusionment and unpreparedness. Instead, we should probably strive to become more resilient and courageous so that we’d be able to strongly face and handle even the most painful of truths.

Thus, if there’s anything I’d want to ask you today, my dear reader, it’s for you to become aware of the questions and concerns that keep bothering you and reflect on them. Ask yourself:

Are these the questions that still need to be answered? Or are they the ones which have actually been answered before yet we just refuse to recognize?

If they are the latter, then it’s probably time that we come to terms with the truth. Yes, you may cry a little inside, and cry it all out, but be sure to make it swift. Accept and move on stronger, tougher and braver.

It may be discomforting and difficult but believe me when I say that it will lead you somewhere miles better than the nowhere that chasing pavements seems to have enchanted you with.


  1. super love this post. it speaks to me just as much as adele's chasing pavements speaks to my current situation. i feel that this post is just so timely. Salamat kuya au for a wonderful post!

    "it’s probably time that we come to terms with the truth. Yes, you may cry a little inside, and cry it all out, but be sure to make it swift. Accept and move on stronger, tougher and braver."

  2. Thank you, Justin! Hope you turn tables! LOL. Kelangan Adele song ang reply :))
