06 May 2011

The Thrill of the Chasing Pavements

A recent encounter made me revisit my thoughts on Chasing Pavements. Yes, I might just be too close to being obsessed with the song. Anyway, I asked myself what is it that makes people chase pavements? What is it that makes me chase pavements which lead nowhere?

The thrill of the chase.

Sometimes, we chase pavements not because of where it leads us but because of the feeling it blesses us with. Some people might view it as impulsive and immature which may be the case if one does it over and over again. Leaving him or her an individual motivated and moved only by mere impulse and immature feelings. An individual sure to only chase the feeling rather than the outcome.

Thus, the thrill of the thrill won’t be so thrilling if it’s only the thrill we constantly and thrillingly chase.

However, I believe that we are also meant to chase some pavements even if they lead nowhere for the simple reason that we are sometimes meant to chase the thrill of the chase rather than the pavement. Sometimes, you just have to enjoy and live for the moment and care less if things won’t go anywhere. Just enjoy the moment and be thankful even if it led you nowhere.

I just hope that the thrills you’ll chase will all be worth the nowhere it led you. And remember, being nowhere after such chase isn’t necessarily a bad thing.


  1. kuya au, minsan kasi its the thrill of the chase that makes you hold on and hope despite the fact na the pavements already lead no where. and often times, lalo lang masakit kasi pinatagal ng ganun katagal, eh sa wala rin naman pala ang patutunguhan.

    paasa feelings all around :((

  2. it might be better if you classify it as a pavement or not asap. At least once you've established that, you'll know if you'll just hold on to the thrill and hope for nothing more or not.

    Thus, no more paasa feelings since it's just going to be about the thrill and not the pavement, right?

  3. pero i just realized, if we focus on the thrill, don't we change the level of the other party from "end" to "means to an end." wala lang. conflicting feelings right now.

    kasi i guess at some point sinabi ko sa sarili ko na ok lang na yung thrill lang yung habol ko. pero eventually, and i think it will always happen, na yung pavement rin talaga yung patutunguhan ng focus at hindi lamang yung thrill. that's why it's so scary.
