03 May 2011

Label that devil. (Turnback Tuesdays)

Turnback Tuesday returns with a post from a Tan very much fascinated with Sociology and Anthropology class from May 2006 and a devil if you know what I mean. LOL. If you're asking me about something recently, you might find something somewhere here. Enjoy as always!

Ok here's another socioanothropology related post. Haha. I'm really fascianted with the concepts we have in our SA class so it's just rightful to tell the things i've learned today. It's quite cool eh and i agree with the concept about deviance. It also exposes how name-calling and labeling brings out the worst in people.

It's this idea about deviance wherein one becomes something s/he gets labeled for because of other people unintentionally. To make things clearer (as i find my explanation vague also haha) Here's the example that was used in class.

Imagine there's this girl who goes out with a guy who has a girlfriend. She does not really have any feelings for the guy but enjoys his company. But the girlfriend catches them and lashes at the girl. The girlfriend then gets mad and calls her whatever curse you'd like to supply (whether it be whore, bitch, slut etc) And the worse thing is that the girlfriend spreads her disdain for the girl in the campus. The girl, who really did not do anything wrong, will be ridiculed by the whole campus and see her in the light of the girlfriend's view. Therefore, the girl can either just sit down and cry and blame the world for being so harsh to her or she could just live up to her label and be the slut the girlfriend says about her. The theory says that the latter occurs when the labeling reaches the societal level. And so, society has added another hapless victim to the slut list. How cool!

Well, the anecdote just confirms how powerful and crude society can get over molding somebody into the label they want that somebody to be. It's this name-calling game which actually transforms the individual into the label they're trying to shove upon that person. The more we label and tease somebody, most of the time due to weird and non-conforming actions, the more that somebody becomes the label society is trying to give. Even if that person showed the weird and deviant act for just a single time and s/he's totally not the label we're trying to give him, if we insist on labeling that person the way society dictates, then that person will unintentionally become the label. It's society's evil way of pushing people into label traps and molding them into the "weird" and "non-conforming" identities. And society just doesn't care about the feelings of these poor, unfortunate souls.

Labeling is society's evil way of creating toys out of real people they can play with. People should stop labeling and forcing victims to fit in a certain box of a label.

Anyone who tries to label somebody something rude should get what he or she deserves, a trip straight to hell where they can rightfully label theirselves as devils :p Bwahahahahaha!

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