20 September 2010


My friends often tease me about being CLG. Can’t let go. While there’s some grain of truth in that, I prefer being called nostalgic. It sounds less possessive and more sophisticated. ☺

My being nostalgic has its probable roots within the confines of my home. People who have visited our humble abode can attest to the fact that it’s petite. However, it’s chockfull of things some of which many would say already belong to the clutter-dispose bin. But my mom has this knack of storing stuff she considers sentimental even if some aren’t really that much worthy to be kept.

Certainly though, some are of much worth like the pictures we had when we were still small and little school accomplishments we’ve had throughout the years. You’d probably want to check out the clearbooks my mom has patiently and painstakingly filled out with our report cards and awards. She doesn’t mind the effort though since she considers these as their proudest achievements. It was actually one of the first few things she thought of saving when Ondoy struck our house. And this little gesture of love shows how awesome my parents are! Woot! Love you mom and dad!

Being immersed in such atmosphere then has allowed this affinity for nostalgia to rub off on me. Thus, I have my own stash of letters, pictures and other memorabilia which remind me of my own life’s most significant moments. Sometimes, I’m just caught in this urge to be sentimental and end up going over through my stash and savoring the moments I’ve learned to love.

Reflecting on my own motivation for being nostalgic, I think it’s more of having this urge to have memories more tangible and accessible. Some memories are meant to continually be savored and inspire. Keeping a sentimental stash then makes the memory more palpable as if you’re living and breathing that same moment again. A letter to remind you of your first crush, a photograph from your memorable trip overseas or even a candy wrapper from your first date. It’s your decision to make and your memory to cherish.

Do I think I need to change? I don’t think so. But I also have to learn to let go as well. I also need to learn that some things and people in life just come and go. We just have to take things as they are and not inject any sentimental value when none ever existed. Thus, we should be wise to decipher those meant to just pass by and those meant to be valued forever.

I’m still definitely trying to sort this whole thing out. I mean I know I’ve improved from the stubborn and ultra-sentimental teenage Tan who thought that everything in this world should mean something for him. Now, I’ve come to accept the reality I’ve shared with you already. The silver lining in this somewhat cold truth is that we’d be able to treasure more those who deserve to be treasured which can lead us to accumulating a trove full of memories which are all worth remembering.

If ever there’s one thing I learned about this though, it’s that I’ve had a difficult time letting go of having a difficult time to let go because I’ve been blessed with so much love from my friends and family. How can you not be CLG with that, huh?

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