23 September 2010

Strive and/to Settle

I got my annual physical examination results yesterday and aside from the chronic shoulder pain, it looks like I’m in the pink of health. Emphasis on looks like. I’m still going to have a follow-up consultation with the doctor on Monday when my thoracolumbar x-ray results come out. There are suspicions of scoliosis but we’ll see with my next visit.

Nevertheless, she advised me to strengthen my back muscles through exercise and distribute weight whenever I carry heavy things. Actually, she asked if I could do away with all the stuff I carry to work to which I instantly said no. But of course, in my mind it was a resound yes! Haha. Anyway, please pray for me as well that this ain’t anything serious.

I think putting off exercise has come back to haunt me at such an early age. I’ve firmly believed that I’ve had my fair share of exercise by walking to and from home only to realize that I’ve missed out on firming up my back and shoulders especially that it carries the brunt of my commuting. Settling on such idea has caused me quite a trouble that hopefully I won’t pay dearly for. And I know, spontaneous bursts of stretching, crunching, lunging, and all other wouldn’t cut it out. I really need to figure in back-strengthening exercises in my daily regimen. I shall start today! I promise!

Aside from learning that health is wealth the hard way, this experience has helped me realize how I should not settle for things I do not deserve.

I won’t simply say to not settle for things since it implies discontentment and the ever yearning for something more. At points in our lives, we have to settle with what we have and make do with it for it’s what we deserve to have with. Perennial dissatisfaction will just feed on itself and make us always hungry for things that we badly want yet do not need and/or deserve.

Think of a Pera or Bayong situation where you rejected the highest amount ever offered in the show for a crack at a much bigger prize only to receive a pack of butong pakwan. In the greedy pursuit of gaining those we don’t deserve anymore, we lose even those we already have.

Thus, we settle with things that we deserve and be happy.

On the other hand, I would not recommend just simply settling for things as well since it reveals a rather mediocre and lackadaisical individual. Simply settling for things without giving any thought or effort in the process will only lead us to a life subpar of the life we do deserve. We aren’t caged animals who’d just eat and make do with the carcasses his/her master throws at him/her. We are individuals capable of achieving great feats and reaping rewards that we deserve.

Think of a Pera or Bayong situation where you accepted the very first offer since you don’t want to give any more thought or effort to the process only to find out in the end that you could’ve won the million peso jackpot which could’ve bought you all the things you deserve. In being languid and apathetic, we immediately settle for things we don’t deserve and deprive ourselves of those that we do.

Thus, we strive for things that we deserve and be happy.

Having the things that we deserve and being happy then necessitates both striving and settling for it. We should be aware of our selves, strive for things we are capable of achieving and yet settle when we have achieved that we could achieve.

I’d admit that I’ve probably compromised and settled for things I don’t deserve in the past. I didn’t deserve that grade I got. I didn’t deserve the way you’ve deceived me. I didn’t deserve you being my friend. I didn’t deserve you. In hindsight, I might have deserved that for not giving what needs to be given. Writing this entry then has been my wakeup call to always give what needs to be given and not just what I’d want to give. Also, it has been rather therapeutic since it has enlightened me on how I should live my life settling for things I do deserve.

In the end, to maximize our being individuals and achieve the happiness that we elusively seek, we should always strive and settle for our best since we always deserve nothing but the best for us.

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