07 April 2010


I think this is the worst I've reacted to the heat in years. I always feel hot and sweat a lot nowadays which I don't usually do. It has even affected my sleeping habits since I usually wake up in the middle of the night feeling oh so hot. Ergo, my body clock has been jammed yet again. And it has become quite a problem especially that I cannot seem to get into the working groove. I've accomplished quite a few tasks though but I know I could have done more if it weren't that hot.

It might be a sign that I'm aging or it might be a sign for us to buy a new aircon. Haha. Oh well, I just really hope that this heat would soon subside. I want Christmas and December already! Haha.

Lame entry but it's really hot and cannot think well right now. Tomorrow should be a different story.

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