04 April 2010

Second time this 2010 should be a charm

I told myself that i'll be sleeping at 10:30pm today but then I told myself yesterday that I'll be blogging regularly from now on. Haha. I think I'll just sneak in this quick entry before I call it a night. It has been quite a productive work night and I'm glad I've crossed off some things to do for work tomorrow as now I can breathe a little better. Haha.

Today is Easter Sunday. After Christmas, it's probably my most favorite time of the Catholic year since it stands for rebirth and a new life. Brighter days. Summer sunshine. Sunflower fields. Cool breezy day by the beach. The day just ushers this feeling of lightness and optimism and hope. Definitely hope. And as always, being the great begin-ner that I am, I'll probably start the week more right than before tomorrow. Waking up earlier than I usually do and being much more positive than I usually am. I've found myself to be like that. To greatly begin.

However, just like what I recently experienced this past start of the year, a month or even a week or two into this new regimen of mine, I seem to falter and return to my old self. And sometimes, even worse. I don't know, I think it's more of an issue of self-control rather than an issue of having sustainable and attainable goals. I know that I'm the go-getter type of person who just sometimes needs to control himself a little more because he gets easily distracted.

Maybe I'm still in this stage wherein I need external motivators to get me going with the tasks I need to do. Now, with the calendar program with my macbook and iphone, I find myself more motivated to face the challenges because I have an idea when they'll occur and I've got a plan on how to deal with them. Maybe then it's not just self-control but this innate inclination towards planning and structure in me that will keep me afloat in this new routine that I plan for myself. Thus, greatly begin with plans but follow through with self-control!

Hopefully, this new formula i have for myself will leave me sustaining the new routine I've planned out for myself. Here's to another go at being a rejuvenated person!

Lord, grant me endurance. Amen.

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