31 May 2011

Never Too Far (Turnback Tuesdays)

Despite the blog hiatus and the itch to post new entries, I decided to continue with Turnback Tuesdays to initiate some regularity in this blog of mine. So here is an entry I wrote back in January 2006 during my mother's birthday. Skimming through my livejournal entries, I was just really fascinated by this entry. Thus, I decided to use it for this week. The first part reveals the crammer I was in college. Enjoy as always!

30 May 2011

Prayers for the Preyers

Wow, I have been on blog hiatus since the beginning of May. Summer months April and May are always most hectic because of work. Thus, I’m glad that all the summer programs are now over even though the paperwork and reports still need to be done. At least, I'll have a greater chance of a more regular blog entry release.

When I was young, carnivorous plants fascinated me the most among the flora and fauna. If you aren’t aware of them, these are plants which lure unsuspecting insects with their sweet nectar only to trap and devour them in the end. Look up the Venus Fly Trap or the Pitcher Plant online if you want more information about them.

Speaking of unsuspecting preys and deceitful predators, a few weeks back, this tweet came out:

06 May 2011

The Thrill of the Chasing Pavements

A recent encounter made me revisit my thoughts on Chasing Pavements. Yes, I might just be too close to being obsessed with the song. Anyway, I asked myself what is it that makes people chase pavements? What is it that makes me chase pavements which lead nowhere?

03 May 2011

Label that devil. (Turnback Tuesdays)

Turnback Tuesday returns with a post from a Tan very much fascinated with Sociology and Anthropology class from May 2006 and a devil if you know what I mean. LOL. If you're asking me about something recently, you might find something somewhere here. Enjoy as always!

02 May 2011

Sometimes I feel like I live in Betty Go-Belmonte Station

HongKong 2010
Last week, my friend Andrew tweeted that he missed his Cubao station exit because of his tendency to space out. Thus, he was late for work that day. The consolation, he got to visit our favorite LRT2 station, Betty Go-Belmonte station! Hope you’re feeling the commuter vibe some more, Andrew!

As I shared with Ate Solvie, our director, during our introduction for the office’s stratplan, one of my ultimate dreams is to live in a city with an extensive subway/metro system. Being more a commuter than a driver, this desire is the lovechild of associating rail systems with hassle-free transportation and my reverence for efficiency.

I love riding the metro because I’m sure that I’ll arrive at my destination approximately around the minute indicated in the timetable. Despite rare unforeseen delays and troubles, in my opinion, the metro seems a more reliable choice than taking a car or a cab if you take traffic into account. On a lighter note, the metro also allows you to brighten up your day if you know what I mean.

01 May 2011

On chasing pavements even if they lead nowhere.

Since we’re due for another Adele-related entry, I’ll share a thought on one of her more popular songs, Chasing Pavements. Actually, it’s one of the reasons why I began adoring the goddess that is Adele. And the infamous line goes:

Should I give up or should I just keep chasing pavements even if it leads nowhere?

If we go by logic, the answer is crystal clear. Give up. As simple as that. Actually, the question shouldn’t have been asked in the first place.