19 August 2010

Forty-five happyness things for 0814-0819

And of course, a week in, I cannot keep my promise of blogging everyday. Haha but I should forgive myself for such blunder since it was really a stressful midweek given that I had to semi-cram the Education Partners' Luncheon in three days. I'm trying to get cramming out of my system as a result of it and shall hopefully push through. Thus, I'd be posting my happyness and gratitude list for the past 5 days. Since it's quite difficult to list 50 things, I'll be merging happyness and gratitude for this post.

Happyness/Gratitude is:


1. Trouble-free career day
2. Sharing Sausage Mcmuffin with Marvin and Hash brown with Steph
3. Toaster twisted for lunch
4. Seeing the mentors and their batch 9 mentees enjoy their first meet-up
5. Preview of sharings to come with Marga

08/15 (I seriously cannot remember what I did this day haha)

1. Waking up late
2. White mocha frappucino
3. Starbucks productivity with 50% of EPL powerpoint
4. Slow Down to Speed Up reading marathon!
5. Insights from reading and a new found thirst for better life management
6. Schedule-making for Monday!
7. Brazo de Mercedes


1. Waking up early despite sleeping quite late
2. Messages of gratitude
3. Productivity morning
4. Going home early
5. No rain while walking home
6. Hot shower at home
7. Sleeping early!


1. Surviving morning sickness
2. Bluebooks tokens pulling through!
3. Certificates for Pathways coordinators
4. Wall-E looking sosyalan much LCD projector
5. Modern Family episode break
6. Being quite all set for EPL except for PPT haha
7. Starbucks White Mocha Frap to accompany through the all-nighter


1. Surviving the EPL Preparations!
2. The EPL team
3. Education Partners Luncheon 2010!
4. Buko Pandan overload
5. Ate Len singing (and recording snippets haha)
6. Well-deserved afternoon nap in the office haha
7. Meeting Mark dela Cruz and Macky and walking them to Flaming Wings
8. Washing the dishes haha
9. Cafe Lidia with Ate Len, Ate Rose and Eumir to cap off the night
10. Waiting in Kalumpang for a jeep and imagining that a T-rex would come just like in Jurassic Park! (geek haha)
11. Caramel goodness haha
12. That warm fuzzy feeling of accomplishment and being content after a long week


1. Waking up late and resting well
2. Holidays are always love
3. Sleeping almost all day
4. Contacting facilitators for Saturday and hoping that all goes well
5. Plants versus Zombies!
6. Blogging again after a long time!
7. M&M's

Well, those are 45 things/people/events that have made me happy and feel thankful the past six days. Hopefully, tomorrow I'd be able to blog (and please let us have our internet connection back) I promise to have a decent entry sometime soon! Woot!



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