31 December 2009

Happy 2010!

Wow. I know last June I told myself that I'd blog regularly from then on since supposedly I'm freer with work and everything. Apparently that wasn't possible. Haha. Anyway, with the flurry of events that have passed this 2009 and the many entries and messages of gratitude and hope I've read today in anticipation of the coming year, I'm reviving this blog of mine for today and hopefully for the rest of 2010. Hopefully is the operative word. Haha.

2009 was definitely a year to remember. Hands down. Life-changing decisions and events were one after the other this past year. Looking back to the beginning of the year, I'm definitely a whole lot different person now. Positively different though hopefully. Haha.

I think I'd leave reminiscing to that though as this past year has actually left me with a bitter aftertaste. I really can't figure out why but sorry I'm not on the "2009 = awesomeness" train. Anyway, I'm really looking forward to another year of happyness and love!

And I don't know. I'm really, really excited for 2010. Probably the most excited I've been in recent years. Probably because of a desire to really be happier and bring sunshine (WTH! ME?!) to more people this coming year. If there's one thing that the past year has made me realize, it's that there's really no time to cry over spilled milk. Despite the heartbreaks, we should always be thankful and optimistic for the life we have. Live life with no worries, only laughter and hope. Hakuna Matata per Timon and Pumba!

I'm dearly tempted to write personal messages in this entry. However, I know that the people I'll be writing to wouldn't really have the chance to read it unless they find out about this secluded blog of mine. Anyway, once the clock strikes twelve tonight, I'll just thank Him for keeping everyone safe and happy this past year and pray for everyone's happyness and love this coming year.

Happy Twenty Ten! May God shower you with more blessings this coming year!

19 July 2009

the third H

Tomorrow, I'll be on my 14th straight day working. Well, it wasn't supposed to be that way since I was supposed to offset last Tuesday. However, an important meeting was scheduled that day so I had no choice but to go and just continue with a half day. Work has really been fun though uber tiring. I think I've quite become a workaholic. Emphasis on quite since some of the time I'm in the office, I'm just chatting or...sleeping. Haha. Well, not really. But a consequence of working a little bit too much is being more prone to having sleeping problems. Given that I already have problems to begin with, my body clock has been messed up and I've always been constantly late for an hour for work. Of course, I get away with it because of flexi-time! Haha.

I actually shouldn't be happy about this because I've become much too thin and probably unhealthier as well. Despite the constant reminder about living a balanced life and everything, I still get to overwork myself. It's probably a product of years being overtly swamped with homeworks and projects. However, I think I really need to devote some personal time instead of chocking up on work hours if I really want to work longer if you know what I mean.

Besides, I told myself that I should be in good health this year. Thus, starting tomorrow (or the day after), I shall begin living a healthier lifestyle!

02 July 2009

keep it simple sweetie

After hours of trying to edit and structure my unit's vision-mission and key result areas, I've come to a conclusion. Writing isn't really about stringing long words to impress since they sound cluttered and incomprehensible. You just have to send across the message in the clearest way possible. And more often than not, the shorter and simpler, the better. KISS. Keep it simple, sweetie :p

And probably I should really try to acquire that technique with my writing since I'm a run-on sentence kind of writer.

Actually, not noly with writing but speaking as well since often I say so much that I often lose the message I want to convey. Aside from that, I often expect too much to be said that I often end up disappointed with what others tell me.

Thus, I shouldn't expect much from you.

So, I'll just have to savor the moment. And say thank you.

30 June 2009

same ground

This entry is actually an offshoot of yesterday's since I actually have quite a lot on my plate tonight. Yesterday was about how being familiar with things can't be so advantageous after all. And most of the time we encounter big changes in our lives, we often dread still being on same ground. It's as if monumental events in our lives do not deserve an environment that's all too familiar. It's probably been programmed in our minds that these events go with grand changes in our lives.

And that's why we loathe being all too familiar when a lot has changed around us.

I actually went through the same dilemma while I was discerning whether it was beneficial that I'd stay in the same environment I've been familiar with for the past sixteen years of my life. Certainly, I was scared feeling left behind especially that all my other batchmates will be working in an environment far different from what they've been used to. And at this stage of my life, it was really natural for me to sway towards exploring the "real world" as they say.

However, a conversation with a friend changed all that. I shared with her my dilemma and she gladly advised me regarding my problem. What she told me convinced me that I shouldn't be afraid of staying.

She said that often at these points of our lives, we often crave for somewhat a total overhaul of our lives that we dread staying close to the lives we already have. However, being familiar with things doesn't necessarily translate to being left behind or having no room for growth. The environment may be the same but it doesn't necessarily equate to staying the same. For being in an environment all too familiar can still bring much, much development in one's character. And sometimes, much more than what others have to offer. Even if things are fairly the same, a lot still has changed and you have room for growth as much as others do in their own environments. It's always in your hands whether you'd take advantage of it or not.

And even just being in this new set-up in the same environment for a month and a half, I feel that a lot in me has changed already and I'm actually excited for a lot of changes that's in store for me.

29 June 2009

too close for comfort

I remember one time during our second year second sem accounting, THE VCI proved why she's so legendary as a professor. We were only thirteen in class then and most of the time, we were just joking with her in class. (even though accounting IS accounting need I say more?) One time, I guess she got a little irritated with us and she somewhat scolded us for being too cozy with her.

And then she uttered, "Familiarity breeds contempts."

Then Puschae (I miss puschae inc. aka accounting "topnotchers") of course noted that wonderful saying about familiarity from the legendary VCI. Certainly, it became one of our battle cries whenever we took our dreadful accounting long tests and during our usual sabaw moments which ensue after them. Till this day, I've always lived by that word of hers.

But seriously, being familiar can be a double-edged sword.

Being familiar with people and things around you certainly helps especially during times when big changes are happening in other aspects of your life. Since you're already familiar with things, you won't need to pass through the usual awkward getting-to-know-you/do-i-feel-you-or-not phase. It will be such a breeze adjusting to the changes that have happened in your life.

However, just like what the legendary VCI has taught us, familiarity can also be a dangerous thing. Since you're not exposed to a new environment, the experiences it might offer might not be as diverse and probably rich as when you're charting unfamaliar territory.

Also, being too familiar with one another often facilitates some people to cross lines they shouldn't cross. Since some people may think they're already familiar with another person, they might do things which are rather too close for comfort.

We shouldn't then be all too satisfied when things remain all too familiar for us for it springs some subtlely unwanted effects. But of course, we should just always be wary about how familiar people and things are affecting us and ensure that our growth as individuals isn't stunted and our personal space isn't violated.

I may be a familiar face or friend but there still lies the proverbial impenetrable distance between the two of us.

28 June 2009

For the nth time

Hello blogging world yet again. After being immortalized_24, unappreciatedparanoia, calle_nueve, insaneimmortal and having entries in pitas, diaryland and multiply, I've created yet another blogsite to satisfy my appetite for ranting and raving about my life. I know it seems that changing blogsites after a few months or a few years has probably become my hobby over the past few years of my life. But, that's just how I motivate myself to blog whenever it seems I'm already on the verge of giving up on it. Some blogs have been hardly used, some have been forgettable, some have been secret, but almost all of them have been wonderful and memorable. And I'll forever reminisce my life before through those entries I've written. Of course, if they still continue to exist.

And so you may wonder, how can I write yet another first entry when I've written a lot of first entries from before? It's actually difficult knowing I've probably written better ones in the past. But I know this one's still unique because I've written it at a much different time than before. A lot of things have changed in my life since my last entry in my last blogsite. I'm a much different person than before. And even though this may seem just like the same old first entry, well, you have to take a closer look again.

Even though this is the nth time I've written a first entry for a new blog, some things are still different just like how this new blog will hopefully be different from my previous ones.

Welcome to my crazy world. Welcome to my nine lives gone crazy.