30 June 2009

same ground

This entry is actually an offshoot of yesterday's since I actually have quite a lot on my plate tonight. Yesterday was about how being familiar with things can't be so advantageous after all. And most of the time we encounter big changes in our lives, we often dread still being on same ground. It's as if monumental events in our lives do not deserve an environment that's all too familiar. It's probably been programmed in our minds that these events go with grand changes in our lives.

And that's why we loathe being all too familiar when a lot has changed around us.

I actually went through the same dilemma while I was discerning whether it was beneficial that I'd stay in the same environment I've been familiar with for the past sixteen years of my life. Certainly, I was scared feeling left behind especially that all my other batchmates will be working in an environment far different from what they've been used to. And at this stage of my life, it was really natural for me to sway towards exploring the "real world" as they say.

However, a conversation with a friend changed all that. I shared with her my dilemma and she gladly advised me regarding my problem. What she told me convinced me that I shouldn't be afraid of staying.

She said that often at these points of our lives, we often crave for somewhat a total overhaul of our lives that we dread staying close to the lives we already have. However, being familiar with things doesn't necessarily translate to being left behind or having no room for growth. The environment may be the same but it doesn't necessarily equate to staying the same. For being in an environment all too familiar can still bring much, much development in one's character. And sometimes, much more than what others have to offer. Even if things are fairly the same, a lot still has changed and you have room for growth as much as others do in their own environments. It's always in your hands whether you'd take advantage of it or not.

And even just being in this new set-up in the same environment for a month and a half, I feel that a lot in me has changed already and I'm actually excited for a lot of changes that's in store for me.

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