02 July 2009

keep it simple sweetie

After hours of trying to edit and structure my unit's vision-mission and key result areas, I've come to a conclusion. Writing isn't really about stringing long words to impress since they sound cluttered and incomprehensible. You just have to send across the message in the clearest way possible. And more often than not, the shorter and simpler, the better. KISS. Keep it simple, sweetie :p

And probably I should really try to acquire that technique with my writing since I'm a run-on sentence kind of writer.

Actually, not noly with writing but speaking as well since often I say so much that I often lose the message I want to convey. Aside from that, I often expect too much to be said that I often end up disappointed with what others tell me.

Thus, I shouldn't expect much from you.

So, I'll just have to savor the moment. And say thank you.

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