29 June 2009

too close for comfort

I remember one time during our second year second sem accounting, THE VCI proved why she's so legendary as a professor. We were only thirteen in class then and most of the time, we were just joking with her in class. (even though accounting IS accounting need I say more?) One time, I guess she got a little irritated with us and she somewhat scolded us for being too cozy with her.

And then she uttered, "Familiarity breeds contempts."

Then Puschae (I miss puschae inc. aka accounting "topnotchers") of course noted that wonderful saying about familiarity from the legendary VCI. Certainly, it became one of our battle cries whenever we took our dreadful accounting long tests and during our usual sabaw moments which ensue after them. Till this day, I've always lived by that word of hers.

But seriously, being familiar can be a double-edged sword.

Being familiar with people and things around you certainly helps especially during times when big changes are happening in other aspects of your life. Since you're already familiar with things, you won't need to pass through the usual awkward getting-to-know-you/do-i-feel-you-or-not phase. It will be such a breeze adjusting to the changes that have happened in your life.

However, just like what the legendary VCI has taught us, familiarity can also be a dangerous thing. Since you're not exposed to a new environment, the experiences it might offer might not be as diverse and probably rich as when you're charting unfamaliar territory.

Also, being too familiar with one another often facilitates some people to cross lines they shouldn't cross. Since some people may think they're already familiar with another person, they might do things which are rather too close for comfort.

We shouldn't then be all too satisfied when things remain all too familiar for us for it springs some subtlely unwanted effects. But of course, we should just always be wary about how familiar people and things are affecting us and ensure that our growth as individuals isn't stunted and our personal space isn't violated.

I may be a familiar face or friend but there still lies the proverbial impenetrable distance between the two of us.

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