19 July 2009

the third H

Tomorrow, I'll be on my 14th straight day working. Well, it wasn't supposed to be that way since I was supposed to offset last Tuesday. However, an important meeting was scheduled that day so I had no choice but to go and just continue with a half day. Work has really been fun though uber tiring. I think I've quite become a workaholic. Emphasis on quite since some of the time I'm in the office, I'm just chatting or...sleeping. Haha. Well, not really. But a consequence of working a little bit too much is being more prone to having sleeping problems. Given that I already have problems to begin with, my body clock has been messed up and I've always been constantly late for an hour for work. Of course, I get away with it because of flexi-time! Haha.

I actually shouldn't be happy about this because I've become much too thin and probably unhealthier as well. Despite the constant reminder about living a balanced life and everything, I still get to overwork myself. It's probably a product of years being overtly swamped with homeworks and projects. However, I think I really need to devote some personal time instead of chocking up on work hours if I really want to work longer if you know what I mean.

Besides, I told myself that I should be in good health this year. Thus, starting tomorrow (or the day after), I shall begin living a healthier lifestyle!

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