19 August 2010

Forty-five happyness things for 0814-0819

And of course, a week in, I cannot keep my promise of blogging everyday. Haha but I should forgive myself for such blunder since it was really a stressful midweek given that I had to semi-cram the Education Partners' Luncheon in three days. I'm trying to get cramming out of my system as a result of it and shall hopefully push through. Thus, I'd be posting my happyness and gratitude list for the past 5 days. Since it's quite difficult to list 50 things, I'll be merging happyness and gratitude for this post.

Happyness/Gratitude is:


1. Trouble-free career day
2. Sharing Sausage Mcmuffin with Marvin and Hash brown with Steph
3. Toaster twisted for lunch
4. Seeing the mentors and their batch 9 mentees enjoy their first meet-up
5. Preview of sharings to come with Marga

08/15 (I seriously cannot remember what I did this day haha)

1. Waking up late
2. White mocha frappucino
3. Starbucks productivity with 50% of EPL powerpoint
4. Slow Down to Speed Up reading marathon!
5. Insights from reading and a new found thirst for better life management
6. Schedule-making for Monday!
7. Brazo de Mercedes


1. Waking up early despite sleeping quite late
2. Messages of gratitude
3. Productivity morning
4. Going home early
5. No rain while walking home
6. Hot shower at home
7. Sleeping early!


1. Surviving morning sickness
2. Bluebooks tokens pulling through!
3. Certificates for Pathways coordinators
4. Wall-E looking sosyalan much LCD projector
5. Modern Family episode break
6. Being quite all set for EPL except for PPT haha
7. Starbucks White Mocha Frap to accompany through the all-nighter


1. Surviving the EPL Preparations!
2. The EPL team
3. Education Partners Luncheon 2010!
4. Buko Pandan overload
5. Ate Len singing (and recording snippets haha)
6. Well-deserved afternoon nap in the office haha
7. Meeting Mark dela Cruz and Macky and walking them to Flaming Wings
8. Washing the dishes haha
9. Cafe Lidia with Ate Len, Ate Rose and Eumir to cap off the night
10. Waiting in Kalumpang for a jeep and imagining that a T-rex would come just like in Jurassic Park! (geek haha)
11. Caramel goodness haha
12. That warm fuzzy feeling of accomplishment and being content after a long week


1. Waking up late and resting well
2. Holidays are always love
3. Sleeping almost all day
4. Contacting facilitators for Saturday and hoping that all goes well
5. Plants versus Zombies!
6. Blogging again after a long time!
7. M&M's

Well, those are 45 things/people/events that have made me happy and feel thankful the past six days. Hopefully, tomorrow I'd be able to blog (and please let us have our internet connection back) I promise to have a decent entry sometime soon! Woot!



14 August 2010

Happyness and Gratitude 081310

Friday the 13th craziness left me with no time to post my happyness and gratitude for the day.


1. Waking up late

Tip: if you want me to have a positive day ahead, let me sleep all I want and wake up just right before 11am. 8 hours or more worth of sleep - SUHRUHP.

2. Teppy's Happyness


3. Singing in the office

I missed just singing my lungs off to tunes I've loved to belt in the past years aka AI songs like Angels Brought Me Here. Warning: listen at your own risk haha

4. Free wicked oreos

Though not really a fan of the ala mode dessert, it being free made all the difference. And ice cream of course! Haha

5. Pasalubong from mom

Kahit di ko nakain, happyness pa rin ang toasted twister c/o my dear mom. Tradition na kasi sa familia namin ang pasalubongs :p


1. Mentoring Orientation Team

From assigning mentor-mentee pairs to contacting uncontactable mentors to concocting animal sounds and christmas carols and for preparing the whole event!

2. Deens

For being so easily bullied to give the psych talk for mentoring :p

3. Berns, Steph and Marvin

For being the ever-dependable heads trifecta of pvolt na pwede ko na silang iwan at kaya na nila

4. Ate Len's hunger

For letting us have dinner at Flaming Wings

5. handling pressure

For handling the crises that have plagued work (overtly exaggerated) much better than previous months.

All in all a not-at-all-bv-but-pure-gv friday the 13th!

12 August 2010

A Stamp for being Most Self-controlled

On my way home, I passed by too much inconvenience that normally, I would have screamed at the quarreling Romeo and Juliet to shut the effing up and just break their damned relationship off.

But that's normally. Since I've been trying to always be positive lately, I kept my cool and just brushed the incidents off. Thus, day 2 of my happyness experiment and I'm still very much in the thick of things.

I just wish i'd always muster the strength to control myself from lashing out at the slightest irritation.

On to positive things now!


1. Trike ride from Xavier to hagdan

Saved me much time and effort from walking

2. Accomplishments after meeting with Sir Steve and Sir Balaoing

Who doesn't want a feeling of accomplishment right? Especially during such hectic week

3. Time management book!

i have a new book to read! Seemingly self-help but what the heck! Excited for it!

4. Cello's doughnuts

Choco-oreo and caramel doughnuts LOVE

5. Self-controlled Tan

The positive thinking framework is working!


1. Comments in FB

Kahit i-attribute niyo sa kalandian ang status ko, ok lang dahil wholesome naman talaga iyan

2. Randomness talk with ate len

Nothing beats going home with a conversation with ate len

3. M&M's and Kitkat and Ryan's leftover biscuits

Swear. Munching monster much ako kanina haha

4. Arriving at 715 am

It jumpstarted my day and left me feeling accomplished already even if it was only 1030am

5. having no need to wake up early tomorrow

Tomorrow's my complete sleeping hours day so I don't have to catch the 615 departure for AHS

11 August 2010

Happiness and gratitude starts here

Since I left my key in the office and nobody was set to arrive in the next 30 minutes (the first person actually arrived 45 minutes after. Good decision, Tan!), I decided to head to the library, it being the place that I love to hang out recently. I needed internet access by the way so I went to their version of the RSF comp lab (read: tanders na) and logged in. While waiting, I decided to check out the online psych journals since I'm in the middle of this disillusionment that I'd be a psych grad student some day. One of the journals I glanced through was about nostalgia and attachment-avoidance. I really didn't get to absorb the article but all I can remember, if I got it correctly, was that nostalgic people usually low attachment-avoidance since they'd always fondly share memories with people and remain securely attached. (Not really sure but hey it's all about how it registered in my head so...haha)

Of course, the thing that stuck to me was nostalgia. And how I'm really a person who breathes memories. Blessed/cursed with rather good memory, I've learned to enjoy reminiscing about the years gone by. Conversation with common friends are usually about our past misfortunes, triumphs and the rest in between. It's comforting being reminded of the sweet and young life you've had before, knowing you'd want to go back to the happier moments of your life and relive the experience over and over again.

I'd want that when I grow older. When I become 25, 30, heck even 50. (Cannot imagine how I'll be when I'm 50 though) But some time soon, my memory shall fail me and that's why I'd need to write them down somewhere. Hopefully, this blog will still be accessible 27-28 years from now so I might still be able to read back and cherish on the thoughts I've had at this point of my life.

I'm actually doing that already. Looking at my petty yet content 16 year old self around six years ago, I remember how naive I was and how much different I viewed the world. I don't want to deprive my 28 year old self of that. I still want to look back six years from now and read how I raved and ranted and lived and loved my life. Hopefully, that future Tan will tell himself, "wow, he's been through a lot but starting 22, he surely became much more positive and better."

I can't do it on facebook one-line status messages alone. I can't live on that. I don't want to look back and read through the one-liners which sometimes aren't even mine to begin with. However, given the change in responsibilities, I don't think I can blog as lengthy as I am doing now. Thus, for times like those, win-win situation would be to list down five SPECIFIC things that made me happy today and five other ones that I'm thankful for today. At least, though those entries will be short, they'd be words or even sentences that could prime myself whenever remembering the moments I've been through. If ever I don't get to post, it means that I have to post them the next time. Basta, you get the idea! So it'll either be just the happyness things or a post with happyness things. Certainly the latter is preferred but we'll see :p

And so we begin today:


1. The new Rizal Library

I super duper love staying there. Sorry, but I really find it better than our previous library or baka lang I miss staying in the lib lang and sleeping for hours. Haha.

2. Banoffee pie slice for dinner dessert

Finally got to a slice of banoffee pie I bought from banapple!

3. Finishing the social psych book last monday.

I just had to put this haha proud accomplishment of a frustrated psych undergrad student

4. Terrified before and now Love the way you lie by Eminem feat. Rihanna LSS the whole day

Currently listening to these two songs the most. As in stuck on a youtube tab where'd I play it anytime I want music while working haha

5. Kenny's dinner with Deens

Of course, winner of the day! Nothing beats chatting over dinner with a pal you haven't seen and talked to in a while. Kahit isa itong malaking pagpapanggap, salamat Deens!

6. The tantannatnat revival!

Woot! Sana tuloy-tuloy na ito just like the happyness that's in me!


1. Ride from Kenny's to u-turn c/o Deens and mom

Saved time and energy much!

2. Phone call from dad

Even though it seems that we only talk about how my day has been, I really appreciate your call, dad. Love you and always take care!

3. Rizal Library

New found haven and saved me 45 minutes of waiting today.

4. Feeling better as the day went on

I really felt sick at the beginning of the day. Actually thought of backing out of dinner with Deens but good thing I felt better as the day progressed

5. Positive thinking!

This changed perspective, though I'm still a novice, really works and unburdens me! Nothing's impossible with a positive mind!

Most probably the format would change but spare me for this first entry. Thanks and toodles!