29 May 2013

Para kay M

Kaibigang M,

Noong huli tayong mag-usap, sinabi ko sa’yo na kaya na kitang patawarin sa lahat ng iyong nagawa maliban sa isa. Ang ipagkaila mo ako. Bagama’t hindi na ako bahagi ng iyong kasalukuyan, kailangan mo rin bang panindigang hindi kailanman umiral ang ating nakaraan?

24 May 2013

A Countdown

In ten days, I'll be off to three months of traveling south of the equator. More than dreading the discomfort of the unfamiliar, I am beyond ecstatic to explore new places, visit world-renowned spots (Yes, I am a tourist first and foremost lol) and take billions of photos as an attempt to capture the thrill of traveling. Hopefully, I shall have the time (and the internet connection) to occasionally update you on my whereabouts in Peru, Bolivia, Brazil and South Africa. 

Side note: Of course, this blog will still be peppered with delicious emo entries on the side since I know some of my old readers look forward to that teeeheee

As a prelude to the travel photos that will soon populate this blog, here are two pictures that remind me of that giddy feeling of your first day in a foreign continent. Both of these were taken within a day of my arrival.

Paris | Outside the Louvre | September 2007

New York | Times Square | August 2012

09 November 2012

Quarter Quell

Quarter Quell, the special edition of the Hunger Games that happens every quarter of a century, highlights the premium we put on the 25th year of anything. More commonly referred to as silver anniversaries, they signify a milestone arguably coveted more than the others that have come before it.

This sense of accomplishment entwined with the celebration of 25 years has triggered fear and anxiety as I turn a quarter of a century today. Out of all the birthdays I have had in recent years, this is the one I have made the biggest fuss about. Coincidentally, I have my scheduled quarter life crisis commence today. Kidding!

I know this entry will leave some with eyebrows raised but cannot you just give me this day since it’s my birthday? LOL. Thank you!

05 November 2012

Ang Mundo ay Isang Malaking Recto

Or Quiapo as the infamous line from Star Cinema’s No Other Woman goes. Maraming snatcher, maaagawan ka, lumaban ka! After reading or hearing the line, don’t you just feel the need to heed the call for that gladiatorial or Amazonian instinct inside you?

I did. The first few times I traveled alone to the Bronx. I’m sure you know Bronx’s reputation so I don’t need to elaborate on how that stimulated such instinct. As part of acquainting myself better with my new neighborhood, I immediately associated the Bronx with Recto back in Manila. The Bronx is Recto for me because the latter was the most immediate corner of the city that came to mind the first time I glimpsed this side of New York. The association did not actually help since I have had always been on guard every time I have been to Recto. It even heightened my “Ang mundo ay isang malaking Quiapo” mindset and left me too worried and paranoid.

Recto (source: wikipilipinas.org)

03 November 2012

The Arrival of the Inevitable, Part II

Three months later, and the supposedly inevitable part two has not yet arrived. And so, here I am facing the inevitability of finally writing it. 

The entry before I left was supposed to be the first of a two-part series about my feelings on leaving for New York. However, primarily as a result of being a certified crammer, I encountered unexpected delays along the way. I can guarantee that despite the delay, my sentiments remain the same albeit my first three months have even lent more proof of the arrival of the inevitable. 

02 August 2012

The Arrival of the Inevitable, Part One

Tomorrow, I shall leave for New York and begin the next chapter book in my enchanted life. Tomorrow! I remember when the days still numbered more than a hundred and how I’d often wish that waking up the following morning meant that the day of my departure has come. That day is today! However, it has also become a seesaw between wanting to haste/delay my departure.

In between doing nothing and spending much time with my loved ones, the inevitability of being homesick has already arrived long before I have even set foot in the Big Apple. No, I don’t think I’d miss the hustle and bustle of urban Manila (especially commuting during the monsoon season!) that much especially that New York is the cosmopolitan behemoth. 

Pathways loves at mi despedida
Cliché as it may sound, the aspect of Manila I would miss the most would be the people. My family, my friends, Pathways co-staff, volunteers and participants and all other significant people who may not fall within any of the aforementioned circles.

23 July 2012

I Choose to Hope and Trust.

President Aquino delivered his 2012 State of the Nation Address today. Despite critics expectedly expressing their discontent over the address, I agree with the prevailing opinion that the SONA indicates a promise of a brighter future under PNoy.

Certainly, we still need to see if his plans pan out. Will a bigger budget allotment for the education sector translate to better student performance? Will more tourists come to experience the country since “it’s more fun here?” Will pensioners receive their promised increase from GSIS? Will the roads and infrastructures he mentioned materialize in the next few years? Will the economy continue to boom despite the global slowdown? These are questions to be answered and measures to refer to once the next SONA’s come.

Personally, the SONA reinstated my hope and trust in the government through tangible proof that positive change, once thought as impossible, is upon us. Despite a political system that may still be mired in corruption and the seemingly intangible effects of macroeconomic growth, I believe that the government is working doubly hard to fulfill its prime duty of serving the people. It’s always easier to doubt that plans will work and that positive change is going to come but I choose to trust in the government.