24 May 2013

A Countdown

In ten days, I'll be off to three months of traveling south of the equator. More than dreading the discomfort of the unfamiliar, I am beyond ecstatic to explore new places, visit world-renowned spots (Yes, I am a tourist first and foremost lol) and take billions of photos as an attempt to capture the thrill of traveling. Hopefully, I shall have the time (and the internet connection) to occasionally update you on my whereabouts in Peru, Bolivia, Brazil and South Africa. 

Side note: Of course, this blog will still be peppered with delicious emo entries on the side since I know some of my old readers look forward to that teeeheee

As a prelude to the travel photos that will soon populate this blog, here are two pictures that remind me of that giddy feeling of your first day in a foreign continent. Both of these were taken within a day of my arrival.

Paris | Outside the Louvre | September 2007

New York | Times Square | August 2012

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