05 September 2011

To the Tune of Two Left Feet

Last Friday, I finally watched Alvin Yapan's Ang Sayaw ng Dalawang Kaliwang Paa with Yeng. I have been aching to watch this since the trailer came out a few months ago but just didn’t have the time. Thank God for a showing in the Ateneo.

source: thebestfilms.net
I loved every minute of the film. The scenes were tightly woven, the actors were convincing and the script was more than intelligent. For somebody entwined in a love-hate relationship with literature, the film’s use of Filipino poems summoned the frustrated poet in me. Too bad, he’s still just frustrated. Thus, the film may just have eclipsed Crazy, Stupid, Love as this blog’s current hot topic. Something that may even extend until October since a commercial release for the film seems in the works. I wholeheartedly hope they push through.

Various film elements seem to speak of an underlying theme. Characters pursue goals despite insurmountable odds. Poetry flawlessly weaved in the film’s storyline despite the possibility of coming off forced. Simple and subtle dialogue and images despite the usual visual satiation of commercialized films. Ang Sayaw ng Dalawang Kaliwang Paa invites us to go beyond our perceived challenges, concerns and conventions and groove to the dance we discover upon transcendence. A tune attuned with our real selves. Not with the perceptions often imposed by society that impede us from displaying our real selves.

Dennis’ cathartic solo showcased it best. He let go of his inhibitions and wholeheartedly danced to the melancholic tune of his grief.

Society has made us dance to unfamiliar and obligatory tunes that have forever been on loop. Unless we hear the tunes we’re meant to hear, we’d forever lose ourselves in a dance that leaves us dancing like we have two left feet. Thus, listen more intently to yourself and hear the tunes you’re meant to dance to. Though you may still dance like you have two left feet, at least the tune is the tune you’re meant to fool around with.

Ain’t it better being yourself foolishly dancing to your tune rather than losing yourself to a tune you’re just obliged to dance to? 

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