01 September 2011

Crazy, Stupid, Watermelon #replacetitleswithwatermelon

After an almost futile search for somebody to watch with me, I finally watched Crazy, Stupid, Love with my good friend Andrew last Tuesday. Though I had a few qualms, I still enjoyed watching Cal go crazy over the events that transpire after Emily proposes a divorce. Of course, how can you not love a film with such an endearing cast with an ANTM alum to boot? I actually hope though that Analeigh, who plays Jessica the babysitter, doesn’t look like that in real life because she was way beautiful in her ANTM cycle.

Since I don’t want to spoil anything about the film, I skirted the juicier snippets and would like to focus first on this conversation between Cal and his boss.

Cal: Who told you that Emily and I are getting divorced
Cal’s Boss: Amy heard you crying in the bathroom - we all thought it was cancer.
Cal: Oh…
Cal’s Boss: Thank God, man... *laughing*
Cal: Yeah, just my relationship... 

The scene ends with the whole office applauding after his boss shares the good news. Way to go, Cal’s douche boss officemates!

Beyond silver screen exaggeration and initial cries of insensitivity, don’t do the reactions merit some worthy applause as well? I mean come on; at least it wasn’t cancer, right?

Borrowing from the popular metaphor, a lemon is a lemon as a problem is a problem. If we compare a lemon to a blissful cherry, naturally, we’ll feel burdened and victimized by the circumstances. However, just as Cal’s boss heaved a sigh of relief that it was only a divorce and not cancer, we should instead be grateful that it was only a lemon. Something we could definitely manage instead of let’s say, a watermelon. Who wants to be hit by a watermelon right?

Want it like this instead? Poor Claire from Amazing Race 17

We’ll have our own share of lemons. Though we might prefer cherries, we should be grateful that we have them instead of watermelons. When we compare our lemons to watermelons, we’ll be able to see and think how our problem seems more manageable and not so burdensome after all. A mindset that might just catalyze the whole resolution process.

When life gives you lemons, thank God first they aren’t watermelons! And then you make lemonade.

Sources: Image courtesy of static.moviefanatic.com | Movie quotes from imdb.com | Video from youtube use jfjenofhrenon


  1. Ba't wala yung Photoshop quote? Dapat pinagnilayan mo rin yun. Jewk!

  2. Eh siyempre i'm saving it for a more fitting entry! lol
