19 July 2009

the third H

Tomorrow, I'll be on my 14th straight day working. Well, it wasn't supposed to be that way since I was supposed to offset last Tuesday. However, an important meeting was scheduled that day so I had no choice but to go and just continue with a half day. Work has really been fun though uber tiring. I think I've quite become a workaholic. Emphasis on quite since some of the time I'm in the office, I'm just chatting or...sleeping. Haha. Well, not really. But a consequence of working a little bit too much is being more prone to having sleeping problems. Given that I already have problems to begin with, my body clock has been messed up and I've always been constantly late for an hour for work. Of course, I get away with it because of flexi-time! Haha.

I actually shouldn't be happy about this because I've become much too thin and probably unhealthier as well. Despite the constant reminder about living a balanced life and everything, I still get to overwork myself. It's probably a product of years being overtly swamped with homeworks and projects. However, I think I really need to devote some personal time instead of chocking up on work hours if I really want to work longer if you know what I mean.

Besides, I told myself that I should be in good health this year. Thus, starting tomorrow (or the day after), I shall begin living a healthier lifestyle!

02 July 2009

keep it simple sweetie

After hours of trying to edit and structure my unit's vision-mission and key result areas, I've come to a conclusion. Writing isn't really about stringing long words to impress since they sound cluttered and incomprehensible. You just have to send across the message in the clearest way possible. And more often than not, the shorter and simpler, the better. KISS. Keep it simple, sweetie :p

And probably I should really try to acquire that technique with my writing since I'm a run-on sentence kind of writer.

Actually, not noly with writing but speaking as well since often I say so much that I often lose the message I want to convey. Aside from that, I often expect too much to be said that I often end up disappointed with what others tell me.

Thus, I shouldn't expect much from you.

So, I'll just have to savor the moment. And say thank you.