08 January 2012

Till the World Ends

A confession: I have convinced myself that the Mayan prediction of doomsday 2012 will come true despite the fact that many have debunked it. At this moment, I cannot picture myself living through 2013 and beyond. Creepy and weird.

But I guess I just want to live in the now first. Or I’m suffering from a case of short-sightedness. Either way, our plans to conquer the world in every even-numbered year from hereon out will pull me through to 2080!

2011 was studded with delays and detours. Plans that seemed set in stone didn’t quite come through as I wanted them to be. I should have known better given my experience with managing projects. But I’m still thankful since I learned to live in the present and trust that we are exactly where we’re meant to be.

Moreover, I need to be more proactive with my life if I want my plans to push through. I cannot just let fate take its course and eventually regret missed opportunities. Thus, for 2012, I have decided that I will prioritize the person I may have sacrificed the most last year.


This year, I declare my commitment to myself. I would not let my fears and inhibitions stop me from reaching my goals for the year. I would constantly pursue things and endeavors which will help me develop into the person I’m meant to become. I will make mistakes along the way but I would not settle for the “could have been’s” since mistakes eventually leave us with insights that mold us as well. I will be tried, tested and, maybe at times, tortured but I know I will be triumphant in the end.

The world would most probably not end in 2012. However, I am sure that this year would be monumental for me. This will be the year I begin to own my destiny. This will be the year I begin to dance to nothing but what my heart desires. The only tune I’ll be dancing to till the world ends.

Whenever that will be.

1 comment:

  1. Amen! I have the same attitude this year! :) - dima
